Core Facility

Advanced Materials Characterization Lab Core Facility

221 Academy St
Newark, DE 19716


The University of Delaware’s Advanced Materials Characterization Lab is centrally located on the ground floor of the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering building. This provides the opportunity and setting for the exchange of novel ideas and science for the next generation. Located in the same building are the multidisciplinary classrooms for undergraduate education continuing the theme of the multidisciplinary approach.


  • Phillips Xpert Powder X-ray Diffractometer
  • Rigaku Miniflex Powder X-ray Diffractometer
  • Rigaku Ultima 4 Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer
  • Bruker D8 Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer
  • Phillip SAXS small angle Diffractometer
  • T/A Instruments DSC,DTA,TGA,DMA,DTC
  • Metrohm IC Pro Chromatograph
  • Agilent HPLC 1260 /MS 6120
  • Agilent Cary UV Vis Spectrometer
  • Kaiser 785nm Raman Spectrometer
  • Wyatt Dynamic Light Scattering
  • Beckman Coulter LS13 320 Particle Analyzer
  • Analsys NanoIR2
  • Micromeritics Porosity Analyzer
  • Agilent ICP/MS 7500
  • Agilent AES 4100 Mass Spec.


Provide short courses on all instrumentation on a regular basis.

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