Welcome, and thanks in advance for your participation in UD Day in D.C. — April 30, 2025!

The Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM), in collaboration with the Research Office, has developed this page to help you prepare for UD’s signature federal relations event. Please follow this guidance to ensure consistency with the University of Delaware brand and to help amplify messaging about our world-class research programs.

The University of Delaware is classified as a doctoral university with very high research activity (R1) — a designation accorded less than 3% of U.S. colleges and universities. With roots extending to 1743, UD is committed to advancing research and innovation for the public good. As a member of our vibrant research community, you play a critical role as a representative and an ambassador for UD research.


Mark Your CalendarFollow these steps to prepare for UD Day in D.C.

Send an Invite

Step 1

Send a link to this Invitation as soon as possible to your program officer at the federal agency (or agencies) currently funding your work.
Step 2. Fill out the form

Step 2

Fill out this form describing your display/hands-on activity, what you plan to bring and to request A/V equipment.
Upload Files

Step 3

As you prepare your materials (poster, slideshow, etc.), be sure to brand them properly. OCM will review all files for clarity and consistency — send files to ud-day@udel.edu by April 2. 

We want to present a unified and powerful UD brand.

  • Use OCM’s UD Brand webpage to access the University logo and more.
  • PowerPoint templates are available for presenting your visuals on a monitor or laptop.
  • NOTE: The UD Day in D.C. graphic is reserved for OCM use in advance promotion to invitees and for the live event. It should not be used on participant materials. This will allow your materials to be repurposed for other outreach events.
  • Graphics questions? Please contact ud-day@udel.edu.
Drop Off Materials

Step 4

You can either transport your materials to the event yourself, or send them in advance.

  • If you transport items: They must be able to fit through an airport-style X-ray machine. We recommend transporting small, fragile items such as laptops yourself.
  • If you want items transported: Bayshore Transportation will drive a van to D.C., get everything inspected with Capitol security and have items ready when you arrive. All items must be tagged with this form (fill in the blanks — name and item, 1 of 4, etc.). There are two drop-off times:
    • April 28, 1– 3 p.m. (xxxxxxxxx)
    • April 29, 10 a.m. – Noon (Xxxxxxxxxxx)
    • NOTE: Bring cables/connectors for any tech you will use.
    • Questions? Contact Jenn Roth, 302-690-0986.

Step 5

UD Day in D.C. is on Wednesday, April 30, 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the Kennedy Caucus Room, 325 Russell Senate Office Building, Capitol Hill.

  • Dress code is business attire. 
  • If you are taking the UD bus: The bus will leave PROMPTLY at 1:15 p.m. from STAR Tower. Park in the STAR Tower lot (the entire lot has been rented for us). The bus will drop our group off at Union Station. It is only a xxxxxxx walk to 325 Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill (Jenn Roth and Jenn Doran from the Research Office will escort the group.)
  • If you are arranging your own transportation, make sure to be at the Kennedy Caucus Room, 325 Russell Senate Office Building, Capitol Hill by 3:00 p.m. to allow time to set up. Once inside, take the Xxxxxxxx. Please Note: You are responsible for any associated expenses for travel.
  • You will be pre-assigned to a table. Although this is a reception for our guests, please be at your table to answer questions throughout the event, 5:00–7:30 p.m. Afterward, break down your display and take back items you brought.
  • Items transported by the UD bus will need to be loaded back on and must retain the tag indicating ownership. Please group your items together.
  • Boxed sandwiches will be provided for the bus ride home. They will be available starting at 7:45 in the event space. It is your responsibility to pick one up before you make your way to Union Station. If you indicated a dietary preference, we will make accommodations for you. We expect to depart D.C. by 8 p.m. and be back in Newark by 10 p.m.
Step 2. Fill out the form

Step 6

Your items from UD Day in D.C. will be kept in a secure location overnight. They MUST be picked up by Thursday, May 1 from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. If you cannot pick up your items then, please email Jenn Roth at jaroth@udel.edu.


Our UD Day in D.C. audience is predominantly non-scientists — Congressional delegates and staff, federal agency staff, alumni and friends — and we want to showcase the innovation and impact UD is making with federal support.

As you present your research:

  • Introduce yourself with enthusiasm. Your “elevator speech” is a perfect start.
  • Focus on why your research matters — note its relevance and benefits to society.
  • Avoid scientific jargon; explain your work in easy-to-understand language.
  • Use analogies or a brief story to make your work more accessible and memorable.
  • Be sure to get the contact information of anyone who would like additional information about your work so we can follow up appropriately.
Thank you for participating!

Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

Research Administration
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828


The University of Delaware Research Office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Research Office is closed Saturday and Sunday and observes all University closings and holidays. See the Academic Calendar for more information.

Academic Calendar