Delaware Data Science Symposium: May 12, 2017


Join us for a symposium bringing together data science researchers from across UD. All faculty and researchers interested in the theory and application of data science to research questions in engineering, medicine, social sciences, the arts, agriculture, and business are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

The day long symposium will be held on May 12th. The goal of the symposium is to understand common interests, capacities, aspirations for data science research at UD. The day will include presentations from UD researchers, keynote speakers from outside UD and breakout sessions to identify challenges and opportunities to strengthen UD’s research initiatives in data science.

ABOVE: Jeff Frey, systems programmer in UD Information Technologies, with the Mills high-performance computing cluster.

Data, whether it is big data, structured or unstructured, raw or abstracted, batch or real time, or social media, has permeated all areas of research and discovery regardless of the traditional disciplines. Several federal granting agencies have identified the important role of data science for the advancement of all disciplines in the 21st century. Addressing grand challenge problems surrounding data science requires cross disciplinary collaborations that will need to analyze and understand ever larger accumulations of raw data, whether synthetic or sensed. Solving these problems will require that data practitioners and domain experts work closely with computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians to develop new theoretical foundations, and transformational approaches. The University of Delaware has a broad user community with excellence in many domains as well a deep bench of theorists and algorithm developers.

We invite all of you to participate in the symposium, share your research interests, meet your future collaborators and articulate aspirations with your vision to help shape the future of data science at UD. The symposium will conclude with a keynote speech and President Assanis remarks. As they finalize the agenda, the symposium planning committee welcomes input on identifying key areas of data science that should be addressed. We hope you will join us for a productive symposium.

To view the resources presented at the
Delaware Data Science Symposium click below

Future of Data Science at UD

University of Delaware faculty turned out in force at a recent symposium to shape the future of data science at UD. The ability to extract meaning from “big data” — quadrillions and quintillions of bytes of information — stands to transform research, scholarship and innovation in profound ways….



  • Srinivas AluruProf, Computational Sci & Eng Director, Inst for Data Eng & Sci Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Andrew HoProfessor of Education, Harvard Grad Sch of Education
  • Chaitanya BaruNSF Senior Advisor for Data Science, Associate Director of Data Initiatives at SDSC

Planning Committee

  • Nii Attoh-Okine: Co-Chair
  • Eric Wommack: Co-Chair
  • Adam Davey
  • Cathy Wu
  • Ben Bagozzi
  • Henry May
  • John Pelesko
  • Lou Rossi
  • Shridhar Yarlagadda
  • Gonzalo Arce
  • Dan Leathers
  • John Gizis
  • Arthi Jayaraman
  • Bintong Chen
  • Anshuman Razdan
  • Tom Ilvento

Dr. Eric Wommack
Senior Associate Vice President for Research Development
University of Delaware,
Newark DE 19716
Phone: 302-831-4362


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