2017 Archive 607 Projects


Finite Rank Perturbations and Model Theory, Constanze Liaw, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 129,000

Infews N/P/H2O: Supramolecular Recognition in the Biocatalytic Transformation of Organic Phosphorus-Containing Environmental Matrices, Deb Jaisi, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 155,109

Low-Cost Sensor Enabled Explosive Detection to Protect High Density Environments, Chengmo Yang, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 180,000

Pedagological and Curricular Approaches to Promote Engineering Design Self-Efficacy in Project-Based Learning Environments, Dustyn Roberts, Jennifer Buckley, Debra Coffey, Faith Muirhead, Amy Trauth, 2 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 199,920

DNA-Linked ECM Gels for Enhanced Healing in Chronic Wounds, Millicent Sullivan, Joy Goswami, Kristi Kiick, 1 yr. 6 mo.

National Science Foundation $ 200,000

Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment CY17, Jon Swallow, 1 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 204,787

Documentation of Endangered Languages in Indonesia, Peter Cole, 2 yr. 6 mo.

National Science Foundation $ 214,623

NeTS: Medium: Collaborative Research: In-Band Full-Duplex Underwater Acoustic Networks, Leonard Cimini, Chien-Chung Shen, Xiang-Gen Xia, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 229,681

Stochastic Inference and Control of Complex Biological Networks, Abhyudai Singh, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 250,000

Microscale Processes Controlling Speciation and Transformation of Phosphorus in Soils, Deb Jaisi, 2 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 261,542

Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Electrochemical Studies of Framework Substituted Silicon, Germanium and Tin Clathrates, Svilen Bobev, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 275,002

Using Surface Information for Quantitative Modeling of the Subsurface, Holly Michael, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 282,371

Multiscale Plenoptic Imaging and Direct Computation of Turbulent Channel Flows Laden with Finite Size Solid Particles, Lian-Ping Wang, Jingyi Yu, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 300,000

Metal-Free Functionalization of Electron Rich Aromatic Systems, William Chain, 2 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 335,000

Understanding Molecular Driving Forces to Tailor Macromolecular Materials with Dual-Thermoresponsive Behavior, Arthi Jayaraman, Kristi Kiick, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 396,765

Time Resolved Echelle Spectroscopy of Massive Stars at the SARA Observatory, Veronique Petit, 2 yr. 10 mo.

National Science Foundation $ 417,398

Enantioselective Metal-Catalyzed Alkynylations of Oxocarbenium and Iminium Ions, Mary Watson, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 420,000

Early Field Experiences for Prospective STEM Teacher: Scaling the UTE Model, Michelle Cirillo, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 435,887

CAREER: Defects and Polarons in Complex Materials, Anderson Janotti, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 440,954

Linking Gas Phase Precursors with Aerosol Size, Number and Chemical Composition in New Particle Formation, Murray Johnston III, 3 yr

National Science Foundation $ 442,657

Coded Aperture Spectral X-Ray Tomography, Gonzalo Arce, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 450,000

Cyberinfrastructure Tools for Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century, Michela Taufer, Rodrigo Vargas Ramos, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 499,999

Secure Mobile Cloud Sensing, Rui Zhang, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 500,000

Secure Database-Driven Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, Rui Zhang, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 500,001

Engineering Thermal Energy Transport Using Embedded Nanoparticles, Joseph Feser, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 500,532

CAREER: Elucidating Molecular Level Interplay Between Catalysts and Electrolytes in Electrochemical Reduction Of CO₂, Bingjun Xu, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 523,468

Smart Wearable Systems to Support and Measure Movement in Children With and Without Mobility Impairments, Michele Lobo, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 537,101

Astroparticle Physics with the VERITAS & CTA Gamma-Ray Observatories, Jamie Holder, 3 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 547,880

CAREER: Sources and Fate of Inositol Phosphates in Soils, Deb P Jaisi, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 572,805

Regulatory Pathways of the Osmotic Stress Response in Bacteria, Ethna Boyd, 3 yr

National Science Foundation $ 659,183

CAREER: Investigating Backward Transfer Effects in the Context of Instructional Activities About Linear and Quadratic Functions, Hartmut Charles Hohensee, 5 yr

National Science Foundation $ 757,338

CAREER: Unraveling Processes for Vertical and Lateral Carbon Fluxes in Salt Marshes: An Outdoor Laboratory for Research and Phenomena-driven Education, Rodrigo Vargas Ramos, 5 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 771,730

In Situ Data Analytics for Next Generation Molecular Dynamics Workflows, Michela Taufer, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 979,987

Defining and Optimizing Societal Objectives for the Earthquake Risk Management of Critical Infrastructure, Rachel Davidson, James Kendra, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 1,041,501

An Experimental and Analytical Framework for Genome to Phenome Connections in Viruses of Microbes, Eric Wommack, Jeffry Fuhrmann, Jason Gleghorn, Shawn Polson, 4 yr.

National Science Foundation $ 5,999,131

PDCE Will Implement PD in Seaford SD to Teach College Ready Writers Program Skills, Kimberly Ann Wagner, 1 yr 5 mo

National Writing Project Corporation $ 20,000

H-60B Tail Landing Gear Drop Test Extension, Nicholas Shevchenko, 1 mo.

Naval Air Systems Command $ 3,500

Tail Landing Gear Drop Test, Nicholas Shevchenko, 2 mo.

Naval Air Systems Command $ 12,500

Archaeological Research and Remote Sensing Operations Conducted on the Sunken Military Craft USS San Diego, Arthur Trembanis, 6 mo.

Naval Historical Center $ 21,918

Development of Wavemakers in NHWAVE for Rogue Wave Modeling Study, Fengyan Shi, 8 mo

Naval Research Laboratory $ 35,000

Farmers Market Healthy Recipe Demonstration Project, Maria Pippidis, 7 mo.

New Castle County $ 9,557

Eden Park and Hamilton Park Environmental Concerns, Health and Rezoning/Relocation Survey, Victor Perez, 1 yr. 3 mo.

New Castle County $ 12,500

National Register Nominations and Threatened Building Documentation, Catherine Morrissey, Chandra Reedy, 11 mo.

New Castle County $ 19,689

New Castle County FY17 NR/TBS, Catherine Morrissey, 1 yr.

New Castle County $ 24,605

Evaluating the Nesting Ecology of American Black Duck in Coastal North Carolina, Christopher Williams, 2 yr 10 mo

North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission $ 234,903

ECHO Pro Research Resource: A Developmentally-Based Measurement Science Framework for Assessing Environmental Exposure and Child Health, Jerome Slotkin, David Tulsky, 11 mo

Northwestern University $ 67,237

Identifying the Role of Developmental and Mechanical Cues Required for Tendon-Bone Attachment Maturation and Healing, Megan Killian, 1 yr

Northwestern University $ 165,720

Research Agreement Between NUVVE Corp and CEOE, UD, Willett M Kempton, 4 yr

NUVVE Corporation $ 1,600,000

10th Annual Frontiers in Chemistry and Biology Interface Symposium, Brian Bahnson, Catherine Grimes, 1 yr. 6 mo.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities $ 6,766

Building a Validation and Verification Suite for Open MP 4.5, Sunita Chandrasekaran, 6 mo.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory $ 57,740