ISSN 2150-5128

University of Delaware Research Online Magazine


University of Delaware Research Online Magazine



A bright star in solar research

There wasn’t much of a solar energy bandwagon — let alone a crowded one — in 1972, when UD physicist Karl Böer founded the Institute of Energy Conversion. Now, as IEC marks its 50th anniversary, finding ways to expand access to renewable energy, especially solar, has become a matter of urgency worldwide.


Expanding access to diverse materials

The University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press has acquired digitized primary source materials that reflect the experiences of African Americans from the 18th through 21st centuries, including plantation records, Black-owned newspapers and NAACP archival records.


Short circuit for big impact

UD engineers have demonstrated a way to effectively capture 99% of carbon dioxide from air using a novel electrochemical system.


Celebrating women and girls in science

UD sophomore Jacqueline Means, the self-proclaimed “STEM Queen,” has successfully advocated for an annual Delaware Women and Girls in STEM Day.


Searching for solutions in soybeans

Vanessa Richards Soybeans are essential in meeting future food needs for both people and livestock. Vaneessa Richards, doctoral student and Delaware Environmental Institute Fellow, is exploring the use of soil bacteria as a natural, cost-effective alternative to fertilizer for these plants.


U.S. needs more marshaling ports to keep pace with offshore wind demand

As the U.S. works to shift more power generation to renewable resources, UD researchers Sara Parkison and Willett Kempton have co-authored a paper in the journal Energy Policy that sheds light on the infrastructure required to meet offshore wind power targets.


Living with osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis affects more than 30 million Americans. How can you keep joint pain at bay? UD’s Daniel White dispels some myths and stresses the importance of being active.


Twinkle, twinkle wobbling star

Sally Dodson-Robinson, associate professor of physics and astronomy, is leading UD’s participation in “Twinkle,” a space mission involving scientists from around the world.


Arsenic and old books

Yikes! This poison may be hiding in libraries around the globe, UD researchers find.


How bias affects pitching competitions

Daniel Lee, professor of entrepreneurship, used Natural Language Processing software to study the biases of the judges of ABC’s “Shark Tank” and the impacts on the entrepreneurs.


Do cell phones distract us from interacting with our kids?

Many researchers in early childhood education focus on the amount of daily screen time that children receive. But what about a parent or caregiver’s time spent in front of a screen while playing with a child?


STAR Campus shines as a place for internships

UD’s STAR Campus is sparking joint research projects between UD and companies that reside on the 272-acre campus. Clean energy, biopharmaceuticals, sustainable materials and financial technology are just a few areas being explored. Alongside these collaborations, student internship programs are taking shape.

Research Videos

Enjoy a different take on UD research and innovation — from undergraduate researcher Ryan DeRosa, who is exploring the cooling effect of urban city gardens, to the wave of cool inventions that are making a difference for the world. 

Video: Cooling Effects of-Urban City Gardens 2022
Video: Twinkle
Video: IEC 50 Years 2022
Video: Star Brightness
Video: Inventors recognition
Video: Hard Core Bacteria

New Appointments

The UD Research Office team recently welcomed three new leaders:

Kelvin Lee has been appointed interim vice president for research, scholarship and innovation at UD. Lee, whose appointment was effective July 1, is Gore Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and institute director for the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL). Read the UDaily story.

Melinda Duncan, professor of biological sciences, was appointed associate vice president for research at UD and director of the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE). The appointment began February 1. Read the UDaily story.

Julius N. Korley, director of entrepreneurship and strategic partnerships in the College of Engineering, was appointed associate vice president for UD’s Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP). The appointment began April 1. Read the UDaily story.

Kelvin Lee UD Interim Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation

Kelvin H. Lee
UD Interim Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation

Melinda Duncan

Melinda Duncan
Associate Vice President for Research and INBRE Director

Julius Korley

Julius Korley
Associate Vice President for the Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships

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Adding Peril to a Pandemic

As our world continues its struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic, another global threat has proven tougher to arrest, just as lethal and likely to be a key factor in crises to come.

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Getting the Message Right

Getting the Message Right

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