Juan Perilla’s Return to Campus Request Summary

SENT TO: Brian Bahnson 05/09/2021
Submission Number 1551
Opening Phases Phase 3
Name Juan Perilla
Academic Classification Assistant Professor Tenure-Track
PI Email jperilla@udel.edu
Emergency Contact / Phone Number 218409911
College College of Arts and Sciences
Department Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lab/Facility BROWN LAB
Physical Distancing and Density Requirements The undergraduate researcher is part of the summer scholars program. The student will be working alone in Brown Lab room 177. There wont be any other students in the room.
Additional team members that will need access

Chaitanya Sheopurkar

TITLE: Undergraduate, EMAIL: chai@udel.edu, CONTACT: , LAB/FACILITY: BROWN LAB, RM# BRL177

Department Chair Brian Bahnson
Department Chair Email bahnson@udel.edu
Signature Juan R. Perilla