Time: 12:00- 1:30 pm
Location: Trabant Room 209/211
The UD Research Office is pleased to announce the second annual National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Proposal Academy, launching in early 2020. This program is aimed at early career eligible faculty and will assist applicants to become more competitive with applications to the NSF’s Early Career Development Program (CAREER), which generally has a submission deadline in July. The UD program includes an assigned mentor, proposal editing, graphical assistance, a series of workshops, and internal review of your proposal.
If you are not familiar with the CAREER program, you are encouraged to visit the program site and ascertain your eligibility. All faculty members interested in submitting to the NSF CAREER program in 2020 are welcome to participate in an informational session on December 5 in Trabant Room 209/211 from 12:00- 1:30 pm. At this session, our faculty academy chairs will provide a general introduction to CAREER proposals, an overview of the CAREER Proposal Academy, tips for contacting NSF program officers, and answer questions.