Jack Puleo’s Return to Campus Request Summary

SENT TO: Jack Puleo 03/03/2021
Submission Number 1435
Opening Phases Phase 3
Name Jack Puleo
Academic Classification Professor
PI Email jpuleo@udel.edu
Emergency Contact / Phone Number 302-339-0343
College College of Engineering
Lab/Facility OCEAN ENG LAB
Physical Distancing and Density Requirements The coastal engineering bldg is large enough to enable a handful of researchers to conduct research and still maintain distancing. We will wear masks at all times and minimize interactions by developing a schedule for workers to undertake shifts.

The external colleagues will follow any quarantine guidelines the state may have at that time, take the UD training, and fill out the daily covid checker.

External colleagues will also ensure they approval from their home institutions to travel to UD for this work.

Visitor Access Request This request is for a “visitor” to an on-site campus research facility.

The request is for collaborators from Oregon State University (Meagan Wengrove; PI; Jessica Paskoski; Grad student, Nadia Cohen; Grad student) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Gabriel Garcia; PI) to conduct research with me in the wave flume. The project is time sensitive in that it is a one year project funded by SERDP with this summer the only time the wave flume studies can be conducted. Data are needed from this project to justify requests for funding under a larger proposal.

I am putting this request in extremely early so my colleagues can plan accordingly. They intend to be at UD for July and August (exact dates are TBD)

I already have phase 3 clearance

Additional team members that will need access
Department Chair Jack Puleo
Department Chair Email jpuleo@udel.edu
Signature Jack A Puleo