Ho Ming Chow’s Return to Campus Request Summary

SENT TO: Aquiles Iglesias 03/11/2021
Submission Number 1454
Opening Phases Phase 3
Name Ho Ming Chow
Academic Classification Assistant Professor
PI Email hmc@udel.edu
Emergency Contact / Phone Number 5713090668
College College of Health Sciences
Lab/Facility CBBI
Physical Distancing and Density Requirements We are planning to test and set up the equipment (mr-compatible) at the Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBBI). At this testing stage, no human subject is involved. Max two lab members including myself will be involved. We will try to keep 6 feet apart during the test, but in some situations, two people are required to handle the equipment at the same time for a brief moment. Masks will be worn all the time. We will make sure that we will have a negative COVID test result within 4 weeks and complete the daily symptom check before we enter the building.
Additional team members that will need access

Madhavi Ratnagiri

TITLE: Post Doc, EMAIL: madhavir@udel.edu, CONTACT: 5713090668, LAB/FACILITY: CBBI, RM# MRI facilities

Department Chair Aquiles Iglesias
Department Chair Email aquiles@udel.edu