Larry Holmes’s Return to Campus Request Summary

SENT TO: Jack Gillespie 04/05/2021
Submission Number 1497
Opening Phases Phase 3
Name Larry Holmes
Academic Classification Staff
PI Email
Emergency Contact / Phone Number 3865895757
College College of Engineering
Lab/Facility EVANS HALL
Physical Distancing and Density Requirements UD staff/researcher will be present for the maintenance and will ensure that UD covid safety measures are followed at all times. A rule of no more than 1 person per 125 square feet will be followed at all time. Safe and social distancing measures will also be followed. Vistors include Adi Yaakov and Dor Margolin. Contact info for visitors can be provided by the PI on request.
Visitor Access Request This request is for a “visitor” to an on-site campus research facility.

Visitors are performing required service and maintenance on additive manufacturing equipment necessary for DoD sponsored programs. This systems has been down for many months and this is the first opportunity for service to occur. We have already been awarded a no cost extension on the programs that this equipment supports. It is imperative that the equipment get back into operation in order to complete this sponsored research.

Additional team members that will need access
Department Chair Jack Gillespie
Department Chair Email
Signature Larry R. Holmes, Jr.