Benjamin Bruening’s Return to Campus Request Summary

SENT TO: Benjamin Bruening 04/15/2021
Submission Number 1513
Opening Phases Phase 3
Name Benjamin Bruening
Academic Classification Professor
PI Email
Emergency Contact / Phone Number 302-897-7816
College College of Arts and Sciences
Department Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Physical Distancing and Density Requirements I am seeking ongoing access to my office and the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science at 125 E Main St. Use of the office will be infrequent and for short duration. I will primarily be accessing materials for teaching and research in summer 2021 and preparing for fall 2021. I will also be preparing the office for reopening once UD determines that buildings can safely reopen. Only one other person currently has access to the building, so on most occasions I will be alone there and I have been fully vaccinated. If the other person is in the building, or others start to use the building, we will maintain physical distance and keep masks on at all times. No food or drink will be consumed on the premises and I will follow safety and sanitation guidelines.
Additional team members that will need access
Department Chair Benjamin Bruening
Department Chair Email
Signature Benjamin Bruening