Tensor Approaches for Simulating Kinetic Systems Jingmei Qiu DOD $ 7,494,937
Building a Computational and Data-Intensive Research Workforce and Network in the Mid-Atlantic Region Sunita Chandrasekaran NSF $ 4,679,886
An Inverse Design Methodology to Fabricate Low-Cost Agile Tools for Manufacturing Lightweight Automotive Components Srikanth Pilla DOE $ 3,738,474
Understanding ABCA4 Variants of Unknown Significance Through Computational and Functional Approaches Esther Biswas HHS $ 3,025,653
Risks, Impacts, & Strategies for Coastal Communities (RISCC): Advancing Convergent Science to Support Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Leah Palm-Forster NSF $ 3,013,396
Formulation and Evaluation of Biomass-Derived Polymers for High-Performance Applications Thomas Epps DOD $ 2,700,002
Sustainable Material and Process Development for Large Off-Shore Wind Blade Spar Caps John Tierney DOE $ 2,520,353
Deciphering Protein Ubiquitination with Chemical Biology Tools Zhihao Zhuang HHS $ 2,217,213
Motivating Mathematics in the Middle Grades: Learning through Rough Drafts and Revising Amanda Jansen NSF $ 1,759,814
Measuring the Ecosystem Benefits of US Army Corps of Engineers Water Projects Maik Kecinski DOD $ 1,500,000
Allelic Expression Dynamics During Development and its Roles in Genotype-Phenotype Relationships Behnam Abasht NSF $ 995,173
Advancing Trustworthy Machine Learning for Distributed Scientific Data Analytics Xi Peng NSF $ 572,756
Unlocking the Deep Ocean Circulation Mysteries of the Subantarctic South Pacific Ocean and its Influence on Climate Over the Last 2 Million Years Chandranath Basak NSF $ 550,417
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Rochelle Brittingham DOJ $ 378,783
Mothers’ Support and Health in Pregnancy & Parenting Katharine Kaplan HHS $ 213,979
The Synthesis of Polymer Ionophores and Fabrication of Potentiometric Sensors for Carbonate Ion Detection in the Ocean Wei-Jun Cai NSF $ 198,306