Research Administration

Research administration is comprised of many facets and serves as a central resource to support the research community at UD by providing guidance and stewardship for the researchers and administrators on all campuses.

Our mission is to provide excellent administrative support to investigators in their pursuit of research and other scholarly activities while ensuring compliance with federal, University and private sponsor regulations, terms and conditions.


Proposal Development

Reviewing and submitting proposals on behalf of UD.

Award Setup

Once you have received notice of your award it is time to set up your account

Award Management

From fringe benefit rates to budget justifications we help in managing your awards.

Proposal Development

Reviewing and submitting proposals on behalf of UD.

Award Setup

Once you have received notice of your award it is time to set up your account

Award Management

From fringe benefit rates to budget justifications we help in managing your awards.

close section

Award Management

The University of Delaware is committed to supporting efficient and compliant award management. It is a shared responsibility of the PI, department, college and core offices to ensure that the award is set up in a manner to best support understanding of award conditions and University policies, meet sponsor expectations for deliverables and prior approvals, and meet financial controls and reporting requirements of the Sponsor.

Each award has unique terms and conditions and the best way to manage an award is to understand the requirements for each.

All federal sponsored awards and many non-governmental sponsors and University policy are based on 2 CFR 200, otherwise known as Uniform Guidance or the UG. These rules are the fundamental basis for most sponsored projects requirements in place at UF.

Many Federal Grants fall under the “Research Terms and Conditions”. Your award will specifically identify if it falls under the Research Terms and Conditions. These conditions provide additional flexibility to UF.

Award Transfers

Guidelines for investigators transferring to or from UD


The roles and responsibilities of research administration at UD

Award Closeout

When an award is ending, the Research Office works to prepare final reports and closing out the account

Award Transfers

Guidelines for investigators transferring to or from UD


The roles and responsibilities of research administration at UD

Award Closeout

When an award is ending, the Research Office works to prepare final reports and closing out the account

Guides & Grant Resources

Guidelines for investigators transferring to or from UD

Effort Administration

Federal regulations require all use of non-human vertebrate animals in research, teaching, and testing follow established guidelines.

Billing & Cost Share

Billing and Cost Share Resources

Guides & Grant Resources

Guidelines for investigators transferring to or from UD

Effort Administration

Federal regulations require all use of non-human vertebrate animals in research, teaching, and testing follow established guidelines.

Billing & Cost Share

Billing and Cost Share Resources


Federal regulations require all research, teaching, and testing follow established guidelines.

Uniform Guidance

Guidance by which university recipients of federal awards are governed

Roles and Responsibilities

Research Administrator’s roles and responsibilities.

Jeff Friedland

Jeff Friedland
Associate Vice President, Research Administration


Research Notices and Announcements

1. NASA Policy Update: Implementation of New Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (Friday, October 18, 2024)

On October 1, 2024, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released an updated version of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) which now provides a single resource for guidance covering the full life cycle – from proposal to closeout – of NASA-sponsored programs. The 2024 GCAM, available here, implements the Office of Management and Budget’s 2024 revisions to Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR), and fully incorporates the guidance previously found in the Proposer’s Guide, which will no longer be utilized.  

The 2024 GCAM is effective October 1, 2024, and applies to all new awards and amendments issued on or after 10/1 regardless of when the proposal was submitted. The NASA Grant & Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions, which set forth general and specific award terms, have been separated from the GCAM to create a standalone document posted on the Grants Policy and Compliance page and available here.

To implement requirements of the National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33) and the CHIPS and Science Act, all covered individuals, as defined in the 2024 GCAM, are now required to submit the common disclosure forms with their applications. The templates for the biographical sketch and current and pending support forms are posted here along with NASA’s Pre-Award and Post-Award Disclosure Requirements table.  Both common forms require a signed certification that the individual is not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program.

As a reminder, senior/key personnel are required to disclose pending applications to and current participation in programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities, or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs. Covered individuals are prohibited from participating in a malign foreign talent recruitment program.

All Announcements

2. NIST AWARD AMENDMENT LETTER (Monday, October 7, 2024)

On April 22, 2024, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published revisions to 2 C.F.R. part 200 (OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance), which are accessible at: (2024 Revisions). The 2024 Revisions are effective as of October 1, 2024.

Except as provided below, this Amendment is an official notice to inform your organization that the terms and conditions of your NIST financial assistance award (grant or cooperative agreement) are hereby amended to incorporate the 2024 Revisions.

Recipients of NIST awards issued prior to October 1, 2024 receiving this Amendment are not currently required to agree to the implementation of the 2024 Revisions. By accessing federal funds and continuing performance on existing financial assistance awards, the recipient agrees to comply with the 2024 Revisions effective as of October 1, 2024. Recipients that do not agree to comply with the 2024 Revisions as of October 1, 2024, must contact the NIST Grants Specialist listed on your Award documentation within 30 calendar days from receipt of this Amendment.

If you have any questions about the information provided in this Amendment, please contact the Grants Specialist listed on your Award documents. Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office (formerly Grants Management Division) Office of Acquisition and Agreements Management National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)U.S. Department of Commerce

3. NSF Revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF 24-1 (Thursday, May 9, 2024)

On May 20, 2024, NSF will implement the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF 24-1 for proposals submitted or due on or after this date. The revised PAPPG implements a variety of changes and clarifications, the highest profile of which includes changes to the Biosketch format and requires a certification that an individual is not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program on both the Biosketch and Current and Pending Support documents.

As a reminder, senior/key personnel are required to disclose contracts associated with participation in programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities, or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs in the Biosketch and Current and Pending Support documents.

An updated checklist reflecting the PAPPG 24-1 changes and summary of the changes can be found in the links below:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeffery Friedland

4. NSF Update 23-1 PAPPG (Wednesday, January 11, 2023)

A revised version of the NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) has been issued and can be accessed at:  Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide.  The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after January 30, 2023.

Significant changes to the PAPPG include the following:

NSF Biographical Sketch (Biosketch) and Current and Pending (Other) Support (C&P):

  • Updates have been made to increase standardization with the Common Disclosure Form for the Biosketch and C&P documents that have been developed in compliance with National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33) Implementation Guidance.
  • Senior Personnel will be required to certify that the information provided in their Biosketch and C&P is accurate, current, and complete (certification included in both SciENcv and the NSF fillable format).
  • In accordance with NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, NSF Program Officers will request an updated C&P prior to making a funding recommendation.
  • Effective October 23, 2023, the use of SciENcv will be required to prepare the Biosketch and C&P documents.

Concept Outlines:
Certain NSF proposal types or funding opportunities will require submission of a Concept Outline prior to submission of a full proposal.  These will be submitted either by email to a designated address or via the online Program Sustainability and Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT), as specified in the solicitation.. .  A concept outline will be required to submit the following proposal types:

  • Planning Proposal
  • Rapid Response Research (RAPID)
  • Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER)
  • Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE)  

Off-Campus or Off-Site Research:
A new checkbox will be included on the NSF Cover Sheet to identify Off-Campus or Off-Site Research. When this box is checked, a plan for the proposal must be in place regarding a safe and inclusive working environment.  For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft.  The organization’s plan for the proposal must be disseminated to individuals participating in the off-campus or off-site research prior to departure.  Proposers should not submit the plan to NSF for review.

Research Security:
In accordance with NSPM-33, NSF requires the following post-award updates to current support after issuance of an NSF award:

  • If an organization discovers a PI or co-PI on an active NSF award failed to disclose current support or in-kind contribution information as a part of the proposal submission process, the AOR must submit the information within 30 calendar days of the identification of the undisclosed current support or in-kind contribution via the Notification and Request Module in
  • PIs and co-PIs on active NSF awards must indicate if there has been a change in active other support since submission of the proposal or the last reporting period in their annual and final project report. If there has been a change, the individual must submit a revised current and pending support document prepared in SciENcv as a part of the project report.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Katie Brown

5. NIH’s Data Management & Sharing Policy — Resources & Expectations Presentation (Thursday, December 15, 2022)

Dear Colleagues:

On December 15, 2022 the Research Office, Library, IT and Museums and Press hosted a virtual info session entitled “NIH’s new Data Management and Sharing Policy – Resources and Expectations.” This session was recorded for those unable to attend and for those who would like to use this presentation as a resource.

This info session provided an overview on what should be included in data management and sharing plans at proposal submission as well as the resources available through the Library, Museums and Press and UDIT Research Cyberinfrastructure.

Please use the following links to access the recorded presentation and the slides used:


Jeffrey Friedland
National Science Foundation

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeffrey Friedland

6. Required Use of for Preparation and Submission of Proposals (Tuesday, March 22, 2022)

Dear Colleagues:

In accordance with Important Notice No. 147, many National Science Foundation (NSF) program solicitations now require the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals. Please be advised that NSF will now start requiring the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals in response to program descriptions. As a reminder, FastLane is targeted to be removed as a submission option from all funding opportunities when the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) goes into effect in January will remain a submission option for most NSF proposals.

Program Descriptions in

To assist the research community, NSF developed a dynamic listing of program descriptions that require submission in Follow these steps to determine if your proposal for a specific program description must be prepared and submitted in

·         Access the relevant program description page (e.g., Magnetospheric Physics, PD 98-5750).

·         View the advisory in the Program Guidelines section on the right side of the program description page and click on the link in the advisory:

Alert: Many NSF programs are only accepting proposals in or FastLane may no longer be a submission option. For more information, please visit Program Descriptions that Require Proposal Preparation and Submission in or


The document will identify program descriptions requiring preparation and submission and the associated effective date. This document will be updated on an ongoing basis as FastLane will be removed from all program descriptions as a proposal preparation and submission option when the PAPPG goes into effect in January 2023.


Since many program solicitations also require submission in, proposers should pay close attention to the requirements identified in those specific funding opportunities. Proposal Capabilities and Transition from FastLane Proposal Preparation

Nearly all FastLane proposal preparation and submission capabilities are now available in For details about the remaining proposal features that will soon be added to, please see the Proposal Submission Capabilities table on the About Proposal Preparation and Submission page. To stay informed about and FastLane changes, we invite you to join our System Updates listserv. Sign up by sending a blank email to:


NSF strongly encourages proposers to prepare and submit all supported proposals in now, to facilitate a smooth transition from FastLane proposal preparation to over the next several months. In addition, NSF relies on your vital feedback to help ensure the system is working as intended and to identify areas of improvement. Feedback may be submitted at Proposal Preparation and Submission Training Resources

· About Proposal Preparation and Submission page

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by topic
  • Video Tutorials
  • How-to Guides

· Proposal Preparation Demo Site (See the demo site FAQs on the About Proposal Preparation and Submission page for access information and demo site features.)

· Update and Demonstration presentation from the Fall 2021 NSF Virtual Grants Conference


Questions? If you have IT system-related questions, please contact the NSF Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM – 9:00 PM ET; Monday – Friday except federal holidays) or via Policy-related questions should be directed to


National Science Foundation

7. Summer DHHS Salary Cap and DHHS Salary Cap Pay Guidance Now Available (Monday, February 14, 2022)

Guidance relating to summer pay on NIH grants for faculty members on academic year contracts has been released by the Research Administration Team regarding supplemental compensation. Additionally, guidance regarding salaries for employees whose Institutional Base Salary (IBS) exceeds the DHHS salary cap is also available in this guidance with recommended procedures. Please click below to download this DHHS guidance document or visit our website to learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sam Mobry

8. Subaward Document Changes Now Online (Monday, February 14, 2022)

The Research Office has updated some of the supporting documents for subawards. The Subrecipient Commitment Form (non-FDP) and Attachment 3B have been updated to include a field for the UEI number. The new forms should be used effective immediately for all subawards. This change is in response to the U.S. Government transitioning from the use of the Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) nine-digit number as an entity identifier throughout the federal awarding process to the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse has also been updated to include the UEI number for all registered organizations effective October, 2021.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Susan Tompkins

9. UPDATE: Provisional F&A Rate Agreement (Tuesday, June 29, 2021)

June 29, 2021

Dear Colleagues,  

The University of Delaware’s new Negotiated Rate Agreement is now available, which includes FY22-FY25 Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Rates and FY22 Fringe Benefit rates. The new rate agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services is located on the Research Office (RO) website for your reference. You will also find the new rates on the RO website in the UD Proposal Development Guide (see Budgets & Rates).

Effective immediately, all new proposals will use the fixed fringe and predetermined F&A rates, which have been programmed into PeopleSoft. The FY22 fixed fringe rates will be applied to existing awards. Existing awards will continue at the F&A rates at which they were awarded, unless there are competing segments.

Several job aids have been revised for use by the research community regarding the F&A and fringe rates:

  1. Please find an updated FY21-22 Salary Reference Sheet
  2. The Research Office has modified the budget template found on our website under Frequently Asked Questions, Getting Started, “How do I construct a budget?” to include the updated rates.
  3. The Research Office has also updated the budget justification template found on our website under Budgets & Rates, Budget Justification Template.
  4. Please find an updated excel F&A rate chart for FY20 to FY25 found on our website.

If you have any questions, please contact your Contract & Grant Analyst.


Jeffrey Friedland
Associate Vice President,
Research Administration

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeffrey Friedland

10. Updated Guidance to NIH’s Biographical Sketch and Other Support Changes (Monday, May 24, 2021)

In an effort to support strong collaboration between Federal research agencies, NIH has made every effort to align the Biographical Sketch (Biosketch), Other Support format page and Application Form Instructions with guidance issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy Joint Committee on the Research Environment.

As a result, NIH has updated its application forms and instructions to support the need for applicants and recipients to provide full transparency and disclosure of all research activities, foreign and domestic.

If you have questions regarding this guidance, please contact your Contract & Grant Analyst.

Principal Investigator

Principal Investigators Eligibility

Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators have primary institutional responsibility for providing scientific/technical leadership and administrative and financial management of sponsored projects. As such, the University has designated the following personnel as eligible to serve as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on sponsored projects*


  • All full-time faculty regardless of academic rank
  • Visiting faculty/visiting scientists during the time they draw salary support for the performance of the sponsored project through the University
  • Adjunct faculty during the time they draw salary support for the performance of the sponsored project through the University
  • Full-time, academic non-administrative professionals in classified positions at or above Level 31E
  • All full-time postdoctoral fellows* and researchers
  • Under exceptional circumstances documented in writing, other qualified individuals may be designated as a PI. Such designation requires the approval of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation, and must be endorsed by the chair of every unit and the dean of every college in which the research project is to be performed. If granted, this PI designation is limited to the proposed research project under consideration, i.e. it does not afford blanket status to serve as a PI on other proposals. To qualify for an exception, the following criteria must be met:
    • Only individuals identified to the external sponsor as a PI or CPI in the submitted proposal need to have the PI eligibility approval form completed
    • The proposed research must be a programmatic priority of the University
    • There must demonstrably be no qualified member of the UD faculty who is capable of serving or available to serve as the PI
    • The proposed PI must possess the academic and experiential qualifications that are prerequisite to service as a PI at UD, and his or her participation as the PI must be demonstrably necessary for the successful funding and execution of the research project
    • The proposal PI must enter into a signed contract with the University assuring that (a) the work will be conducted in accordance with the high standards of quality expected of all PIs; (b) the PI will comply with all University policies relating to the conduct of research; and (c) the research project will be conducted consistent with all federal laws, rules, and regulations relating to the conduct of research
    • Completion of the Research Office PI approval form and submission of a curriculum vitae (CV)
    • Completion of the Proposal Development Assistance Request Form if you are requesting proposal development assistance.

Process for submission of PI Eligibility Form:

  • Form should be completed and all signatures obtained
  • CV must be included with form
  • Email the completed form and CV to your Contract & Grant Analyst who will obtain the required Research Office approval signature
  • Contract & Grant Analyst will return executed form to department administrator

* Principal Investigator/Co-Principal Investigator status may be rescinded for cause.
*A PI approval form is required to permit postdoctoral fellows to serve this role
*A Proposal Development Assistance Request Form is required to to be submitted for proposal development assistance.

If an exception is made to make someone an eligible PI and that person isn't a full-time University employee, the chair or dean must be a co-PI on all proposals for that person.