UD Internal Funding Opportunities

UD seed grant funds are available to support research, scholarship and creative activities through annual university-wide competitions. These are merit-based grants designed to help launch an idea leading to future external sponsorship of research in the area. Several of the seed grant mechanisms are administered by the Research Office on an annual basis but there are one-time opportunities as well. Additional seed grant mechanisms at UD, which are independently organized and run by other units on campus, are listed under Seed Grant Resources.

For more information contact
Research Development Office

(302) 831-7088


General University Research Grants

Letter of Intent:
January 24, 2025
Full Proposal:
February 28, 2025

UD Research Foundation

Letter of Intent:
December 4, 2024
Full Proposal:
January 17, 2025

UD Research Foundation Strategic Initiatives

Letter of Intent Deadline:
October 8, 2024
Full Proposal Deadline:
October 25, 2024

Chemours Discovery Research Award

No longer accepting applications.

Additional Campus Seed Grants

Additional independently organized seed grant opportunities abound at UD, from pilot programs to call for proposals, these opportunities are waiting to be discovered. Log onto our portal to explore the most recent campus funding opportunities.


Internal Grant Opportunities FAQs (GUR, UDRF and UDRF-SI)

1. What is the project period?

2. What is a no-cost extension?

3. How do I apply for a no-cost extension?

4. What information will I need to include in my no-cost request?

5. What justification for no-cost extensions (reasons) is the Research Office likely to accept?

6. Under what conditions is the Research Office likely to deny a request?

7. Am I allowed to purchase an item not included in my original proposal?

8. How do I request a budget reallocation?

9. What information will I need to include in my reallocation request?

10. How do I get my expenses (including salary) paid?

11. Questions about Internal Grant Opportunities?



General University Research Program (GUR)

GUR Template Download

GUR Template

GUR Download

GUR Guidelines

The main objective of the General University Research (GUR) grant program is to assist full-time UD faculty with seed funding towards research or creative projects that will grow and sustain their scholarly development. The program is open to all professorial ranks; however, preference is given to early career faculty. These merit-based grants are administered by the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation, who is advised by the Research Committee of the Faculty Senate. The Research Committee of the Faculty Senate recommends allocation of the funds available for the year, evaluates applications, and confirms those to be supported. Proposals involving interdisciplinary research, scholarship, or creative projects are especially encouraged.

GUR Application Deadlines

LETTER OF INTENT: January 24, 2025
FULL PROPOSAL: February 28, 2025

Please note that submission and award processes have changed. Specifically, a PeopleSoft proposal is not needed for proposal submission. A PeopleSoft submission is only required for awarded proposals (instructions included in the Appendix).



Eligibility Requirements

All full-time faculty members are eligible and encouraged to apply for GUR grants. Preference will be given to faculty who have not received awards previously, however, there is no restriction on the number of awards an individual may receive over the years. Applicants who received a GUR starting between June 1, 2022 and June 1, 2024 are ineligible to submit this cycle. Review of proposals from prior GUR awardees will include consideration of performance on their past GUR award(s). Applicants who failed to complete previous GUR final reports will not be considered for a GUR award.


GUR Deadlines

GUR proposals and approved webforms are due in the Research Office by 11:59 PM on the submission deadline noted below:

  • January 24, 2025: Letter of Intent Deadline
  • February 28, 2025: Full Proposal


Proposal Evaluation

Each proposal will be reviewed by one Faculty Senate Research Committee member and two UD faculty disciplinary experts. Given the diversity in backgrounds of committee members, applicants must prepare applications that are understandable by a broad audience. Proposals failing to follow submission guidelines may be returned without review. Due to an increase in the number of applicants last year, the funding rate of proposals was 23%.

Selection for funding will be based on:

  1. Significance of the Problem (15 points): Does the scholarship clearly address an unmet need of high importance, or is the scholarship extraordinarily novel or a creative innovation?
  2. Intellectual Merit of Approach/Adequacy of the Plan for Scholarship (30 points): Are the research plans and methods well developed, and are the activities clearly defined? Is there high alignment of the proposed activities with the identified significance of the problem?
  3. Student Involvement (10 points): Does the plan for scholarship include actionable steps for student involvement? Is a well-developed training plan included?
  4. Qualifications of the PI (10 points): Is the proposed research aligned with PI’s background, training, and/or previous work? Is it clear how the proposed research will advance the PI’s professional career?
  5. Justification of Resources (15 points): Is the budget well defined and justified based on the allowable budget items and research plan? Is the timeline clear and reasonable?
  6. Likelihood of Future Sponsorship (10 points): Does the proposal clearly articulate future resource streams that could sustain the effort beyond the grant period?
  7. PI Professional Rank (10 points)

The Faculty Senate Research Committee consists of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation (or Research Office designee) and nine faculty members (two serve as co-Chairs).




GUR proposals may request up to $15,000. Proposals with insufficiently detailed budgets or budget justifications may be returned without review. GUR proposals do not require matching funds from the PI’s College and/or Department. However, matching funds may be included when applicable and when pre-approved by the Chair and Dean.



Personnel: FPI faculty summer salary up to $5,000 or 1/9th salary, whichever is less, is allowable. Matching faculty academic time is permitted though not required. Inclusion of graduate and undergraduate research assistants (RAs) is encouraged. Research assistants may be paid hourly or on stipends. Matching student RA stipends related to the proposed research are permitted.

Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefit costs are required for all personnel categories other than PI summer salary.

Direct Research Expenses: Expense categories such as equipment, participant support costs, and other direct research costs typically allowed by federal sponsors are permitted. Travel for proposed scholarship may be supported if it is well justified within the scope of the project.

Unallowable Expenses: Facilities and administrative (F&A) costs, graduate tuition, and PI fringe benefits are unallowable on GUR awards. If the graduate RA is supported on a stipend from this award, a financial plan for covering required graduate tuition costs should be articulated in the budget justification

The committee will consider a wide variety of specific budgetary requests if the budget items are adequately justified. A budget justification is required in the application. Instructions for the budget justification can be found in the GUR Proposal Template. The committee may choose to award a GUR grant at a level of funding different from the amount requested.

All budgets should be prepared with the understanding that budget changes exceeding 25% of the total award and re-budgeting of funds into categories not included in the original budget must be approved by the Research Office. See the GUR Post-Award section for more information.

NOTE: For tax purposes, stipends for principal investigators on GUR grants are fellowships rather than wages and are therefore exempt from FICA, but no fellowship is exempt from Federal and State payroll taxes. It is assumed that a faculty member receiving fellowship funds will not have any qualified educational expenses and appropriate payroll taxes will be subject to withholding at the time of disbursement.



GUR grants are awarded for up to two years with periods of performance commencing June 1. No-cost extensions may be granted up to three times only when circumstances warrant. No-cost extension instructions are in the GUR Post-Award section.



Submit the GUR proposal using the GUR Proposal Template. All components should be single-spaced using 11-pt Arial font with one-inch margins.

Executive Summary: The executive summary is a one-page section consisting of three sub-sections: an overview, a statement on the significance of the problem, and a statement on the intellectual merit of the approach/plan for scholarship. The overview should include a description of the scope of the proposed activity. The statement on the significance of the problem should describe how the scholarship addresses an unmet need of high importance or is an extraordinarily novel or creative innovation. The statement on the intellectual merit should concisely summarize the plan or methods and activities and how they are clearly aligned with the significance of the problem.

Project Description: A three-page section providing a statement of work including a plan for scholarship with clear achievable goals and details about the expected significance of the scholarship resulting from project activities. The project’s intellectual merit/plan for scholarship and significance of the problem should be fully described in the Project Description. Include any relevant figures or tables. Additionally, investigators should specifically include: a training plan for student involvement and explain how the proposed work will lead to future support and/or opportunities. The entire Project Description should be clear to a reviewer having an advanced educational background within an allied discipline, but who may not be an expert in the field.

Timeline: A one-half page description, infographic, or chart detailing a clear and reasonable timeline for the proposed activities. Include dates, tasks, dependencies and milestones as applicable.

Additional information such as References, Budget Justification, PI and co-PI NSF-style Biosketches, and PI and co-PI NSF-style Current & Pending Support should be combined with the proposal template and submitted as one PDF document. Incomplete applications will be returned without review.


  1. A letter of intent (LOI) to submit a full proposal must be submitted by the deadline noted above using this online application form. Notices of intent include: the PI’s full name, department affiliation, and email address; a proposed title; and a short (<250 word) abstract of the proposed work. Only proposals submitting a LOI will be considered for the competition.
  2. PIs submitting a LOI will receive subsequent instructions on full proposal submission.
  3. The GUR Proposal Template must be used for formatting the proposal which should be submitted as a single PDF document. Complete proposals include an Executive Summary; Project Description; Timeline; References; Budget and Budget Justification; PI and Co-PI NSF-style Biosketches; and PI and co-PI NSF-style Current & Pending Support.
  4. Applications must be submitted using the online application system by 11:59 PM on the submission deadline noted above.


  1. When a proposal is selected for funding, the faculty member should reach out to their applicable department administrator or grant analyst so that a record in UD's Grant Management System, PeopleSoft (PS), can be initiated.
  2. PIs submitting a LOI will receive subsequent instructions on full proposal submission.
  3. Faculty should provide the administrator with a single PDF copy of the full proposal submission.
  4. Faculty should work with the Department Administrator to develop a more detailed budget as is required for PeopleSoft input. A detailed budget template can be found on the Research Office website.



Departmental administrator or grant analyst guidance for using UD’s Grants Management System is available on the Research Office website and by contacting the department’s assigned Contract & Grant Specialist in the Research Office.


  1. Sponsor ID: 0921 – General University Research
  2. Purpose: RSCH7 – University Sponsored Research
  3. Budget Considerations:
    • Requested amount up to $15,000 entered as direct costs
    • Applicable cost-share entered from department and/or College (not required)
    • Faculty Summer Salary: Up to $5,000 for the Principal Investigator budgeted under account code 120800 and budget category PSTDOC so that fringe benefits are not incurred.
    • Graduate student tuition is prohibited.
    • F&A Pricing Setup: F&A costs are not permissible on GUR awards.
      • Choose “Industrial Research On-Campus” for the rate type; overwrite the F&A rate to zero.
      • Pricing Method should be FIXED
    • Under the Attachments tab, upload a single PDF copy of the full proposal submission using the following naming convention: ProposalID_Other
    • Routing of FIN Proposal Approval Summary (PAS) webform should include PI, Department Chair, College Dean and OSP per standard procedures.



If you choose to receive a stipend from your recently awarded grant, the S-Contract that is processed by your department should identify the payment by using account code 120800 and the earnings code PFF. This account code will identify the stipend as a fellowship, which is not subject to FICA taxes, TIAA pension contributions, or university matching of such contributions. In addition, the account will not be charged fringe benefits on the stipend. The comments section of the S-Contract should include the phrase “Stipend Award from GUR”. University policy limits a summer payment such as this to 1/9th of your regular salary.



Score is out of 100 possible points. Download the Rubric PDF below:


Terms and Conditions

GUR grants are made with the following understood commitments from the PI.


  1. Acceptance signifies intent to continue employment with the University for the duration of the proposal period.
  2. The University's patent, copyright, and publication policies, found in the Faculty Handbook, apply to research conducted under a GUR grant. GUR research must comply with the University Research, Sponsored Programs, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies.
  3. If the proposed research includes human subjects or private identifiable data, and/or the use of non-human vertebrate animals, the research protocol must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee respectively prior to expending any GUR funds. If IRB or IACUC approval is not granted for the study, the award will be withdrawn.
  4. The University exercises no direction or supervision over the details of the research or activities to be performed but does require adherence to the original objectives and purposes of the grant. It also requires that a final report on the proposal be submitted to the Research Office no later than ninety (90) days after the end date of the award. Final reports can be submitted using the UD Internal Seed Grant Request form.
  5. Publications or other scholarly works directly resulting from a GUR grant must include an acknowledgment that the research was carried out with the support of the University of Delaware General University Research grant program. Each grantee is required to furnish one copy of any resulting papers, books, or other publications to the University Library through the Research Office (researchdev@udel.edu).
  6. Unless arrangements to the contrary have been included in the proposal as accepted, financial income derived from the project will be returned to the University, up to the amount of the award. This is not meant to conflict with university policies on patents, copyrights, and publications.

GUR Post Award


General University Research grants are awards based on eligibility and merit. Proposals are reviewed for eligibility by the Research Office and evaluations of merit and award recommendations are made by the Faculty Senate Research Committee. The Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation makes the final award decision.



Awarded proposals will be assigned an award number and purpose code for expenditures. Only successful awards should be entered into PeopleSoft by PI’s department administrator for tracking and reporting purposes. Correspondence and post-award reporting should include the award number and purpose code. All proposals funded at a level different than proposed, must provide a revised budget before the purpose code is established.

The UD Internal Seed Grant Request form should be used for re-budgeting and no-cost extension requests and for submitting the required final report.

Rebudgeting: Budget changes exceeding 25% of the total award and re-budgeting of funds into categories not in the original budget require prior approval by the Research Office.
No-cost Extensions: Requests for no-cost extensions must be submitted no sooner than 90 days and at least 30 days prior to the award end date. Requests should include the reason for, and the duration of, the extension. A maximum of one year is allowed per NCE request and total requests are limited to three per award.
Final Reports: A final report for the award must be submitted to the Research Office no later than ninety (90) days after the end date of the grant. Final reports are to be submitted using the University of Delaware Seed Grant Program Final Report.






K. Eric Wommack, PhD
Senior Associate Vice President for Research

Jennifer Doran
Administrative Assistant
Ph: (302) 831-6703

David Barczak
Communications Manager
Ph: (302) 831-8169

John McMillan
Computing Support Specialist
Ph: (302) 831-8621

Ciara O’Connell
Research Development Manager
Ph: (302) 831-7088

Jennifer Roth
Research Education Coordinator
Ph: (302) 831-3777

Research Development
Ph: (302) 831-7088


*NOTE: The University of Delaware’s Office of General Counsel oversees all legal services for the University of Delaware. Matters pertaining to research (including research-related agreements, research-related compliance, and research-related intellectual property) may be directed to the Research Office, which will coordinate with the General Counsel’s Office, as appropriate.