Notices and Announcements

Here you will find a repository of news and announcements related to research at the University of Delaware from 2011 to the present.


1. NIH – Changes to Public Access Policy (Friday, January 25, 2013)

This webinar is designed for Compliance Officials at grantee institutions responsible for adhering to the NIH Public Access Policy.

2. NSF – Reporting Changes (Thursday, November 1, 2012)

All NSF project reporting will transfer from FastLane to the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Principal investigators and co-PIs will use to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of annual, final, and interim project reports and the project outcomes report. Where can I get more information? The following resources from are very helpful to get started.

  1. Project Reporting Getting Started Guide (step-by-step instructions with great screen shots)
  2. FAQs
  3. Slides from their October webinar

3. NIH – Transition to Electronic Submission (Monday, October 1, 2012)

NIH has also announced its plans to transition to electronic submission of Multi-Project Applications. More information regarding this transition may be found in notice NOT-OD-12-161.

4. AFOSR – Pre-Award Cost Policy (Friday, June 1, 2012)

AFOSR has changed its requirements regarding pre-award costs up to 90 calendar days prior to the award.

5. UD – Compliance Hotline (Saturday, April 28, 2012)

Please visit the UD Compliance site for Hotline and Compliance related information.

6. UD – Travel and Compliance (Saturday, April 28, 2012)

UD Travel with or Transportation of Research Related Data MEMO FROM – Dr. Charles (Charlie) Riordan, Vice Provost for Research: The purpose of this memo is to remind and inform all University of Delaware employees of the laws, policies and procedures that may impact the transportation of University of Delaware property, including research-related materials, software, data, biological materials and equipment. These laws, policies and procedures apply whether the materials, software or data are hand-carried during travel or shipped commercially. The laws, policies and procedures apply to our international visitors as well.

7. NSF – UD Grant Management Service (Wednesday, February 1, 2012)

Information Technologies now offers University researchers a streamlined way to log in to NSF’s site for grant management services including FastLane.

8. NIH – Notice of Salary Limitations (Friday, January 20, 2012)

Notice Number NOT-OD-14-043 provides information regarding the salary limitation for NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards and extramural research and development contract awards (referred to as grants). Executive Level II salary has increased by 1 percent from $179,700 to $181,500 by Executive Order 13655.

9. AFOSR – No-Cost Extension Guidelines (Sunday, January 1, 2012)

According to AFOSR, there has been a new development for the administrative guidelines dealing with no-cost extension of continuing grants. As mentioned quite a while ago, all unspent funds sitting at the university accounts are becoming a potential target for congressional budget scrutiny and an excuse for reshuffling of the budget within the same agency. On top of this situation, the reduction of supporting personnel in the Government agencies creates major delay in the procurement process. As a consequence, all requests for no-cost extension of the grants beyond the designated expiration date will go through the Office of AFOSR Director. Please be conscious of this new rule making no-cost extension virtually impossible and try to find a way of spending the allocated budget on schedule. If the funds are not spent within the original timeframe, there is the potential to lose the funds.

10. UD – Cayuse (Monday, January 31, 2011)

Cayuse Proposal Development and Grants Submission Tools