Operational Excellence



The quality of administrative services provided by the Research Office is critical to creating an efficient and effective research environment at the University. Our goals during this initiative are to:

  • Improve service to faculty who participate in sponsored research
  • Increase process efficiency via enhanced policies, procedures, tools, and systems
  • Bolster institutional compliance with federal and sponsor requirements
  • Implement performance metrics to continuously review administrative effectiveness



We will be engaging the broader research community and sharing our progress throughout this transformation effort. Ongoing communications and status updates can be viewed in the announcement section below.


1. NSF Update 23-1 PAPPG (Wednesday, January 11, 2023)

A revised version of the NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) has been issued and can be accessed at:  Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide.  The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after January 30, 2023.

Significant changes to the PAPPG include the following:

NSF Biographical Sketch (Biosketch) and Current and Pending (Other) Support (C&P):

  • Updates have been made to increase standardization with the Common Disclosure Form for the Biosketch and C&P documents that have been developed in compliance with National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33) Implementation Guidance.
  • Senior Personnel will be required to certify that the information provided in their Biosketch and C&P is accurate, current, and complete (certification included in both SciENcv and the NSF fillable format).
  • In accordance with NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, NSF Program Officers will request an updated C&P prior to making a funding recommendation.
  • Effective October 23, 2023, the use of SciENcv will be required to prepare the Biosketch and C&P documents.

Concept Outlines:
Certain NSF proposal types or funding opportunities will require submission of a Concept Outline prior to submission of a full proposal.  These will be submitted either by email to a designated address or via the online Program Sustainability and Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT), as specified in the solicitation.. .  A concept outline will be required to submit the following proposal types:

  • Planning Proposal
  • Rapid Response Research (RAPID)
  • Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER)
  • Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE)  

Off-Campus or Off-Site Research:
A new checkbox will be included on the NSF Cover Sheet to identify Off-Campus or Off-Site Research. When this box is checked, a plan for the proposal must be in place regarding a safe and inclusive working environment.  For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft.  The organization’s plan for the proposal must be disseminated to individuals participating in the off-campus or off-site research prior to departure.  Proposers should not submit the plan to NSF for review.

Research Security:
In accordance with NSPM-33, NSF requires the following post-award updates to current support after issuance of an NSF award:

  • If an organization discovers a PI or co-PI on an active NSF award failed to disclose current support or in-kind contribution information as a part of the proposal submission process, the AOR must submit the information within 30 calendar days of the identification of the undisclosed current support or in-kind contribution via the Notification and Request Module in Research.gov.
  • PIs and co-PIs on active NSF awards must indicate if there has been a change in active other support since submission of the proposal or the last reporting period in their annual and final project report. If there has been a change, the individual must submit a revised current and pending support document prepared in SciENcv as a part of the project report.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Katie Brown
All Announcements

2. NIH – Changes to Reporting Requirements (update) (Friday, March 22, 2013)

(1) See notice NOT-OD-12-160 to understand the changes to NIH Public Access Policy Reporting Requirements and Related Efforts to Enhance Compliance. (2) New Tools: NIH made changes to My NCBI that improve the workflow and communication between PD/PIs and non- PD/PI authors. It is now easier for PD/PIs to track compliance of all papers arising from their awards, even they do not author those papers. See more information here. (3) See Evidence of Compliance. (4) To review a recorded webinar designed for Compliance Officials at grantee institutions responsible for adhering to the NIH Public Access Policy see transcripts and slides here .

3. NIH – Research Performance Progress Report (Friday, February 15, 2013)

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has mandated that federal agencies implement a federal-wide research performance progress report (RPPR) for submission of required annual or other interim performance reporting on research grant and cooperative agreement awards to standardize recipient reporting on federally-funded research projects. NIH Implementation of the RPPR – All NIH grantees will have the option to use the RPPR for Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) and Fellowship progress reports beginning 10/19/2012. The use of the RPPR will not be required at this time and grantees may continue to use eSNAP or paper submissions as appropriate.

4. NIH – Changes to Reporting Requirements (Friday, January 25, 2013)

With this Notice, NIH informs grantees that in Spring, 2013, at the earliest, NIH will delay processing of non-competing continuation grant awards if publications arising from that award are not in compliance with the NIH public access policy. The award will not be processed until recipients have demonstrated compliance. This change will take effect in tandem with NIH requiring the use of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPRs) for all Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) and Fellowship awards in the Spring of 2013 (see NIH NOT-OD-12-142).

NIH will simultaneously implement the procedural change outlined below to facilitate public access reporting in paper progress reports (PHS 2590) submitted on or after this ‘to be announced’ spring date.

5. NIH – Changes to Public Access Policy (Friday, January 25, 2013)

This webinar is designed for Compliance Officials at grantee institutions responsible for adhering to the NIH Public Access Policy.

6. NSF – Reporting Changes (Thursday, November 1, 2012)

All NSF project reporting will transfer from FastLane to Research.gov: the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Principal investigators and co-PIs will use Research.gov to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of annual, final, and interim project reports and the project outcomes report. Where can I get more information? The following resources from Research.gov are very helpful to get started.

  1. Project Reporting Getting Started Guide (step-by-step instructions with great screen shots)
  2. FAQs
  3. Slides from their October webinar

7. NIH – Transition to Electronic Submission (Monday, October 1, 2012)

NIH has also announced its plans to transition to electronic submission of Multi-Project Applications. More information regarding this transition may be found in notice NOT-OD-12-161.

8. AFOSR – Pre-Award Cost Policy (Friday, June 1, 2012)

AFOSR has changed its requirements regarding pre-award costs up to 90 calendar days prior to the award.

9. UD – Compliance Hotline (Saturday, April 28, 2012)

Please visit the UD Compliance site for Hotline and Compliance related information.

10. UD – Travel and Compliance (Saturday, April 28, 2012)

UD Travel with or Transportation of Research Related Data MEMO FROM – Dr. Charles (Charlie) Riordan, Vice Provost for Research: The purpose of this memo is to remind and inform all University of Delaware employees of the laws, policies and procedures that may impact the transportation of University of Delaware property, including research-related materials, software, data, biological materials and equipment. These laws, policies and procedures apply whether the materials, software or data are hand-carried during travel or shipped commercially. The laws, policies and procedures apply to our international visitors as well.