Forms, Policies & Procedures

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (1 Policies Entries)
Policy: General Counsel
Effort Certification Reporting
Policy: General Counsel

Effort Certification Reporting

    Certifications of Effort on Sponsored Projects are required for every University employee whose salary or wages are directly charged to a Sponsored Project account or whose salary or wages are used as cost sharing for a Sponsored Project. Individuals must account for 100 percent of activities which are part of their IBS.
    This policy addresses the University of Delaware (“UD” or “University”) obligation to ensure compliance with the applicable federal regulations, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21 requirements or Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200, for effort reporting and applies to all University departments, units, faculty, staff and students.

Related Links

General Counsel Page for this Policy

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Provost

SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer & Intellectual Property Policies


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 06-05

ORIGINATION DATE: April 30, 1984

REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; March 1, 1996; September 1, 2005; January 18, 2008; August 8, 2008, January 2009, July 2009; September, 2010; August 10, 2011; August 2012; July 21, 2015; March 2016; May 2016; April 2019: August 2020

Policy Source Email


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
Contact us


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