Forms, Policies & Procedures

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (48 Policies Entries)
Policy: General Counsel
Hazardous Material Shipments/Transportation
Policy: General Counsel

Hazardous Material Shipments/Transportation

    To assure all shipments of hazardous materials off-campus are prepared in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulations, International Air Transportation Authority (IATA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and to minimize the exposure of all persons to hazardous materials during their transport.

For further information please refer to the shipping procedures on the Environmental Health and Safety website, or contact ext 8475.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): Jul-43

ORIGINATION DATE: April 30, 1997

REVISION DATE(S): January 13, 2006; February 10, 2014

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Policy: General Counsel

Hazardous Waste Disposal

    To ensure the disposal of hazardous waste is conducted in compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and Delaware regulations governing the disposal of hazardous waste.
    Common examples of chemical waste requiring disposal under this policy include but are not limited to: spent solvents, outdated laboratory research chemicals, spent acids and bases, lead-acid batteries, nickel/cadmium batteries, unusable or broken mercury thermometers and barometers, chemical waste generated from experiments, waste silica gel, full or partially full aerosol cans, non-returnable gas cylinders, paint materials and used oil filters. …

For more information regarding this policy, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (ext. 8475).

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 18-Jul

ORIGINATION DATE: November 15, 1978

REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; May 1, 1996

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Infectious Waste Management
Policy: General Counsel

Infectious Waste Management

    To ensure the management of infectious waste* at the University is conducted in compliance with Section 11 of the State of Delaware Regulations Governing Solid Waste, 7 Delaware Code, Chapter 60.

* As defined in Section 11 of the Delaware Regulations Governing Solid Waste and the University of Delaware Infectious Waste Management Procedures.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): Jul-38


Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Lightning Safety for Outdoor Activities
Policy: General Counsel

Lightning Safety for Outdoor Activities


    Lightning strikes approximately 1,000 people annually in the United States, causing fatalities in about 1/3 of these cases. Most of these cases involve persons in outdoor, open areas during the period preceding, during, or after a lightning storm. Lightning storms move at speeds of 25 mph or more and lightning can strike as much as 30 miles ahead of or following the main rain cell of a lightning storm, striking from a clear blue sky. Because of this, visual means of lightning detection is inadequate. Further, persons must seek shelter in advance of the visual lightning or the main rain cell.

    To ensure the safety of guests, participants, and staff during outdoor activities and to provide the criteria for suspension and sheltering when lightning is detected approaching or threatening outdoor activities. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Director of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-46

ORIGINATION DATE: February 1, 2001


Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Local Exhaust Ventilation Equipment
Policy: General Counsel

Local Exhaust Ventilation Equipment

    To ensure local exhaust ventilation equipment is designed and installed in accordance with standards and recommended practices for the control of hazardous materials. …

For more information regarding this policy, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (ext. 8475).

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-21

ORIGINATION DATE: February 1, 1980

REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; April 1, 1996; January 10, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Lockout/Tagout, the Control of Hazardous Energy Sources
Policy: General Counsel

Lockout/Tagout, the Control of Hazardous Energy Sources

    1. The purpose of this policy is to prevent injuries to employees from the unexpected energizing, start-up or release of stored energy from machines, equipment, or processes when such employees are engaged in activities where they are at risk from these hazardous energy sources.
    2. This policy requires departments to establish and implement procedures for affixing the appropriate lockout/tagout devices to energy isolating devices, and to otherwise disable machines, equipment or processes to prevent unexpected energizing, start-up or the release of stored energy.
    1. Each department shall ensure that before an employee performs any activities where the unexpected energizing, start-up or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, all potentially hazardous energy sources shall be isolated, locked/tagged out or otherwise disabled in accordance with the established procedures. …

For a copy of the Lockout/Tagout procedures or more information regarding this policy, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (ext. 8475) or click here.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-12

ORIGINATION DATE: April 15, 1975

REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; January 9, 2006; February 10, 2014

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Materials that could Present an Imminent Danger to Health and Safety
Policy: General Counsel

Materials that could Present an Imminent Danger to Health and Safety

    To control the possession of materials that could present an imminent danger to the life and health of the University community.
    The possession of hazardous material defined in this policy requires the approval of the appropriate dean, director, chairperson, or administrator, and the Director, Department of Environmental Health and Safety …

For more information regarding the Policy, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (ext. 8475).

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-11

ORIGINATION DATE: April 15, 1975

REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; January 9, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Medication and Drug Use and Distribution
Policy: General Counsel

Medication and Drug Use and Distribution

    To outline the policy pertaining to the use and distribution of drugs and pharmaceuticals at the University.
    No legend medications (drugs which require prescription) can be purchased, stored, packaged, or dispensed at the University of Delaware by anyone except persons authorized to do so by State and Federal regulations, for example, physicians, nurses acting under direct supervision of physicians, and pharmacists. This does not preclude the use of prescribed medications or over the counter (OTC) medications intended for the specific (individual) use of a patient (students and/or staff).

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Provost

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of the Vice President for Student Life

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-22

ORIGINATION DATE: October 1, 1981

REVISION DATE(S): March 1, 1996; April 2005

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
Policy: General Counsel

Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories

    To ensure all activities related to the use of hazardous chemicals in laboratories are conducted in a safe manner as well as in compliance with OSHA regulations as specified in 29 CFR Part 1910.1450. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-37

ORIGINATION DATE: November 1, 1990

REVISION DATE(S): November, 2003; February 10, 2014

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Personal Protective Equipment
Policy: General Counsel

Personal Protective Equipment

    To establish personal protective equipment requirements for the University.
    This policy applies to all University personnel, contract personnel, and visitors in applicable University facilities and/or University operations. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-40

ORIGINATION DATE: November 1, 1992

REVISION DATE(S): May 21, 1993; January 13, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Possession and Use of Firearms on University Property
Policy: General Counsel

Possession and Use of Firearms on University Property

    The University of Delaware is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community, and for its visitors, through the reasonable regulation of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other dangerous instruments.
    The University prohibits the possession, storage, or use of any guns, firearms, explosives, ammunition, and other weapons and dangerous instruments (herein collectively “Weapons”) on University property, including any land, building, or vehicle that the University owns, leases, rents, occupies, operates or controls, unless expressly authorized by the University of Delaware Police Department. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Campus and Public Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-26


REVISION DATE(S): March 1, 1996, December 2013; December 2014

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Protection of Potable Water Supply
Policy: General Counsel

Protection of Potable Water Supply

    To ensure potable water supply systems are designed, installed, maintained and utilized in such a manner as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases.

    Potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases being introduced into the potable water supply through cross-connections or any other piping connections to the system. The Facilities Planning and Construction Department shall ensure new facilities and renovations comply with the requirements of The IBC Plumbing Code or the latest plumbing code adopted by the City of Newark. The Facilities Management Department shall ensure facilities are maintained in accordance with this code. …

For more information regarding this policy and backflow prevention contact the Facilities Management Department or the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-30

ORIGINATION DATE: August 29, 1988

REVISION DATE(S): April 1, 1996; January 12, 2006

Policy Source Email


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