Forms, Policies & Procedures

Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (85 Entries)
Policy: General Counsel
Personal Protective Equipment
Policy: General Counsel

Personal Protective Equipment

    To establish personal protective equipment requirements for the University.
    This policy applies to all University personnel, contract personnel, and visitors in applicable University facilities and/or University operations. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-40

ORIGINATION DATE: November 1, 1992

REVISION DATE(S): May 21, 1993; January 13, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Possession and Use of Firearms on University Property
Policy: General Counsel

Possession and Use of Firearms on University Property

    The University of Delaware is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community, and for its visitors, through the reasonable regulation of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other dangerous instruments.
    The University prohibits the possession, storage, or use of any guns, firearms, explosives, ammunition, and other weapons and dangerous instruments (herein collectively “Weapons”) on University property, including any land, building, or vehicle that the University owns, leases, rents, occupies, operates or controls, unless expressly authorized by the University of Delaware Police Department. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Campus and Public Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-26


REVISION DATE(S): March 1, 1996, December 2013; December 2014

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Protection of Potable Water Supply
Policy: General Counsel

Protection of Potable Water Supply

    To ensure potable water supply systems are designed, installed, maintained and utilized in such a manner as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases.

    Potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases being introduced into the potable water supply through cross-connections or any other piping connections to the system. The Facilities Planning and Construction Department shall ensure new facilities and renovations comply with the requirements of The IBC Plumbing Code or the latest plumbing code adopted by the City of Newark. The Facilities Management Department shall ensure facilities are maintained in accordance with this code. …

For more information regarding this policy and backflow prevention contact the Facilities Management Department or the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-30

ORIGINATION DATE: August 29, 1988

REVISION DATE(S): April 1, 1996; January 12, 2006

Policy Source Email

Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Pyrotechnics Cearance Form
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Pyrotechnics Cearance Form

Form needed to create any pyrotechnic displays on University property.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Download Form Email

Policy: General Counsel
Radioactive Material and Machines Capable of Producing Ionizing Radiation
Policy: General Counsel

Radioactive Material and Machines Capable of Producing Ionizing Radiation

    To ensure all activities related to sources of ionizing radiation are conducted in compliance with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations and license conditions, Delaware Radiation Control Regulations, and University Regulations.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-09

ORIGINATION DATE: February 15, 1976

REVISION DATE(S): 02/15/1976, 06/05/1989

Policy Source Email

Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Radioactive Material Receipt, Use, and Disposal
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Radioactive Material Receipt, Use, and Disposal

Inventory of radioactive material in storage with entries to track use and disposal.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Download Form Email

Procedure: Environmental Health and Safety
Radioactive Materials Program
Procedure: Environmental Health and Safety

Radioactive Materials Program

The University of Delaware holds a USNRC Type A Broadscope License to use radioactive materials at its campuses in the State of Delaware and in coastal waters as well as at sea. The day-to-day operations of the program are managed by the Radiation Safety Officer assisted by the Radiation Safety Technician. Program elements are listed below:

Radiation Safety Procedures

Questions regarding radioactive materials may be addressed to William Fendt or call 831-1434.


Procedure Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Procedure Source Email

Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Radioactive Waste Pick-Up Request Webform
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Radioactive Waste Pick-Up Request Webform

This form deals with Waste Management & Disposal. Please review the form carefully to determine its applicability in your research, as well as the entity that governs this particular form. For questions regarding safety concerns and regulations, please visit UD’s EHS (Environmental Health and Safety) or review the policies and procedures in the Safety Section of this page.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Download Form (CAS login) Email

Policy: General Counsel
Refrigeration Units
Policy: General Counsel

Refrigeration Units

    To outline the University’s policy regulating the purchase and use of refrigeration units utilized in laboratory, research or other risk areas. The purchase of refrigeration units used exclusively for the refrigeration of items intended for human consumption are not included in this policy.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-14

ORIGINATION DATE: April 15, 1975

REVISION DATE(S): October 1, 1981; June 5, 1989; January 9, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Removal of Dangerous Material
Policy: General Counsel

Removal of Dangerous Material

    To protect the health and safety of individuals when dangerous materials which could present an imminent danger to life and health are found in University buildings. …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-10


REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; April 1, 1996; January 9, 2006

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Respiratory Protection
Policy: General Counsel

Respiratory Protection

    To establish uniform administrative procedures and minimum requirements related to respiratory protection. …

N.B. As used in this Policy the term employee includes students.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-32

ORIGINATION DATE: September 2, 1988


Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Safe Use and Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders
Policy: General Counsel

Safe Use and Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

    To establish a policy on safe use and storage of compressed gas cylinders.
    To implement a safety policy on the use and storage of compressed gas cylinders so as to reduce the risk to students, staff, faculty, and the general public. To ensure the safe handling and storage of compressed gas cylinders at the University, the following rules shall be followed: …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Campus Safety and Security Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 7-24


REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; May 1, 1996; January 12, 2006

Policy Source Email


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Phone: (302) 831-2792

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210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
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