Forms, Policies & Procedures

Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Animal Subjects in Research

For Forms, Policies and Procedures pertaining to Animal Subjects in Research and other resources

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Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Grant Management
Effort Certification
Export Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
Human Subjects in Research
Intellectual Property
Internal Funding
Material Transfer
Reporting Misconduct
Research Administration
Research Development
RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (3 Procedures Entries)
Procedure: Research Office
Cost Accounting Standards Guidelines
Procedure: Research Office

Cost Accounting Standards Guidelines

The University of Delaware, as an Institution of Higher Education, must comply with a number of regulations and guidelines that restrict the ways in which sponsored funding may be spent. This document is intended to clarify the federal constraints regarding the direct and indirect charging of expenditures to federal awards. It is also intended to provide instructions regarding how to charge costs that are determined to be unallowable, as those charges must never be charged to a federal award.


Procedure Details:

OWNER: Research Office


Procedure Source Email

Procedure: Research Office
Foreign Involvement
Procedure: Research Office

Foreign Involvement

Strengthening interdisciplinary and global programs is a strategic priority at the University of Delaware (UD). International collaboration enhances student education, results in increased opportunities for publication and scholarship, and keeps UD investigators on the cutting edge of their fields. These benefits result from foreign collaborators physically working on UD’s campus, collaboration in the form of providing or receiving materials from foreign entities, or receipt of payment from foreign entities. Foreign collaboration, though, could pose a risk. The activity could result in violations of University practice and policy, violations of regulations and requirements, and potential loss of funding.


While international collaborations may be acceptable, UD personnel are expected to disclose foreign involvement to ensure that potential issues are properly addressed and resolved. The following issues should be considered.

To find out more visit Foreign Involvement Best Practices

Subjects covered on this resource are:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Export Control
  • Financial Disclosures
  • Foreign Components
  • International Travel
  • Performance Reviews
  • Restricted Party Screening
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control

and more


Procedure Details:

OWNER: Cordell Overby


ORIGINATION DATE: August 12, 2019

Procedure Source Email

Procedure: Research Office
Research Compliance & Ethics Program
Procedure: Research Office

Research Compliance & Ethics Program

The University of Delaware (UD or University), its faculty, staff and students are committed to conducting their research and scholarly endeavors with the highest ethical standards. Consistent with federal government guidelines and requirements, and with widely-recognized best practices to achieve the responsible conduct of research, the University has developed, conducts and maintains current an effective Research Compliance & Ethics Program (RCEP). In doing so, UD exercises due diligence to prevent, detect and correct any research-related conduct that is not consistent with government and best-practice collective tenets. Additionally, the University creates and promotes (in an ongoing fashion) an institution-wide culture that encourages behavior/conduct that is ethical and compliant, and in accord with applicable research-related requirements, guidelines and best practices.

To those ends, the University established and maintains standards and procedures to prevent, detect and correct research-related behaviors that may be (or have the potential to become) aberrant. Methods to keep UD executive leadership knowledgeable with regard to the University RCEP are in place and maintained, so as to accommodate oversight of Program efficacy. Program standards, guidance and training extend to research efforts that include (or potentially include) matters concerning 1) animal care & use, 2) conflict of interest, 3) confidentiality, 4) cost accounting, 5) data management, 6) export controls & trade sanctions, 7) freedom-of-information requests, 8) human subject protection, 9) intellectual property, 10) research integrity and misconduct, 11) research-related agreements and 12) research-related safety (bio-, chemical & hygiene, hazardous substances, radiation and LASER).

The vice president for research, innovation and scholarship, is the University’s chief research administrator and advocate. The Office of Research and Scholarship ensures the presence and maintenance of an adequately-funded and effective research RCEP. Day-to-day operational responsibility for the Program is delegated to the associate deputy provost for research and regulatory affairs, who with colleagues and in cooperation with UD faculty who serve on and chair University compliance and safety committees, are tasked to knowledgeably and competently perform the multi-disciplinary duties needed to ensure that the UD research community goes about its work in a compliant and responsible manner. All University persons performing day-to-day operations aimed at maintaining the integrity of the RCEP 1) have no-known transgressions (past or current) from Program tenets, and 2) have direct access to the Office of the University Research and Regulatory Affairs.

In order to maintain Program effectiveness, the Office of the University Research and Regulatory Affairs oversees and provides a wide spectrum of research-related compliance and ethics training. Training media include web-based presentations and face-to-face presentations. Face-to-face training is offered for groups or individuals, and is offered on regularly scheduled intervals and upon request. Training is typically tailored for students, research-support staff, faculty and other research professionals, across the full spectrum of research-related RCEP topics.

To ensure that UD’s research community adheres to the requirements of the Program, provisions for periodic monitoring and audit are in place. Additionally, the Program offers anonymous avenues for the reporting of University-research activities that may be suspected of being inconsistent with the responsible conduct of research. As a result of an institutional-wide adherence to a Program of recognized and required research-related compliance and ethical morays, UD maintains an ability to provide an open and supportive environment for the conduct of research, while remaining able to quickly identify abhorrent behavior and suspend offenders.

Finally, to help ensure (and confirm) institutional commitment to providing an effective RCEP, the UD Program is periodically assessed internally (with the assistance non-Program University personnel), and modified as necessary to remain aligned with, and responsive to, modifications in federal government and best-practice standards.

Additional information regarding the University RCEP may be accessed by sending an email request to


Procedure Details:

OWNER: Research Office


Procedure Source Email


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
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