Forms, Policies & Procedures
Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.
*NOTE: As of October 2020 Google Chrome changed how it handles file downloads. If you encounter difficulties, right click on the “Download” button/link and select “save link as.” Once selected the file download will be executed and can be saved to the desktop. A second method is to use a different browser.
Animal Subjects in Research
For Forms, Policies and Procedures pertaining to Animal Subjects in Research and other resources
Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Grant Management
Effort Certification
Export Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
Human Subjects in Research
Intellectual Property
Internal Funding
Material Transfer
Reporting Misconduct
Research Administration
Research Agreements
Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement
In 1995, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published the Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA) and an Implementing Letter for the transfer of materials between nonprofit institutions. The University of Delaware is one of the institutions which has signed the UBMTA which allows signatory institutions to transfer materials to one another using a boilerplate Implementing Letter for the particular transfer.
Use of the UBMTA is optional, UD researchers may opt to use the Non-Biologicals form as an alternative. Note that the UBMTA Letter must accompany the UBMTA in all cases. Please provide investigator/scientist information as appropriate and sign as recipient or provider. Attach the completed UBMTA to the Webform before submitting.
Related Links
- Material Transfer Agreement Required Webform
- Material Transfer Agreement Template – Incoming
- Material Transfer Agreement Template – Outgoing
- Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement
- Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement Implementation Letter
Form Details:
OWNER: Research Office
ORIGINATION DATE: November 15, 2013