Forms, Policies & Procedures

Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Animal Subjects in Research

For Forms, Policies and Procedures pertaining to Animal Subjects in Research and other resources

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Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Grant Management
Effort Certification
Export Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
Human Subjects in Research
Intellectual Property
Internal Funding
Material Transfer
Reporting Misconduct
Research Administration
Research Development
RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (71 Forms Entries)
Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Fire Drill Memo
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Fire Drill Memo

This memo should be sent to a building’s occupants before a fire drill that is in cooperation of Safety Committee, Public Safety and Environmental Health and Safety. The memo should state the purpose of the drill so that if an emergency arises in the future, panic will be minimized and you will know how to respond. Please use this template as a starting point for this correspondence.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Research Office
Fly America Waiver Checklist
Form: UD Research Office

Fly America Waiver Checklist

This checklist assists in determining qualification for a waiver of the restrictions of the Fly America Act under 41 CFR Part 301-10.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office



REVISION DATE(S): 04/14/2014, 01/20/2015, 10/09/2018

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
General Safety-Fire-Security Survey Checklist
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

General Safety-Fire-Security Survey Checklist

General Inspection checklist for fire hazards.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Research Office
Gifts or Sponsored Agreements Checklist
Form: UD Research Office

Gifts or Sponsored Agreements Checklist

This document is meant to provide guidance to determine if a transaction is a gift to be processed and administered by the Office of Development & Alumni Relations (DAR) or the Research Office (RO). See UD Gift Policy Section 8 (Gift vs. Sponsored Project) for complete details about how to make this determination.

Download the form below and answer all eight questions in the checklist, including comments whenever necessary. To use this form, review all the documentation associated with the funding for indications that will help you to determine whether the funding should be considered support for a sponsored project or a gift.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: January 22, 2016

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Form: Research Office
GUR Final Report Template
Form: UD Research Office

GUR Final Report Template

The University requires that a report on the project be submitted to the Research Office no later than 90 days after the end of the grant.

This form serves as a template for the Final Report on GUR and UDRF Grants. Completion of this form affects eligibility for future internally funded grants.

For more info contact
The Research Development Office
(302) 831-2136


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Hydrofluoric Acid User Authorization Form
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Hydrofluoric Acid User Authorization Form

This form must be completed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and the designated hydrofluoric acid user before any Hydrofluoric Acid usage and must be updated annually.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Research Office
Industry Research Agreement – Overview
Form: UD Research Office

Industry Research Agreement – Overview

This form is used to help manage the resources allocated from grants, gifts and sponsored agreements. Both the University and the government have specific protocols in place to prevent the misuse of funds and other resources. Please contact your assigned contract and grant specialist if you have specific questions, or if you have questions about other forms and steps in the award process. If you are unsure of who holds the contract and grant specialist position for your department, please refer to the Administrator Directory search on the Staff Directory Page.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office



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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Infectious/Biological Waste Pick-Up Request Webform
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Infectious/Biological Waste Pick-Up Request Webform

The waste pickup request form is a University of Delaware web form. To use this form you must log in using your UdelNet ID and Password. You will be asked to provide the following information: your name, department, phone number, location of the waste, and the quantity of waste to be picked up. Waste is picked up from locations on a weekly basis.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Download Form (CAS login) Email

Form: Research Office
Information and Checklist for the Temporary Export of Research Equipment
Form: UD Research Office

Information and Checklist for the Temporary Export of Research Equipment

When you travel outside the United States with University-owned research equipment, you have an obligation to make sure that the shipment is compliant with all applicable U.S. regulations, as well as the regulations for the destination country.  These include Export/Import regulations and associated documentation requirements. Please try to plan travel with research equipment well in advance, even if you are carrying the equipment with you.  It is important to note that transport of University property is a commercial shipment.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office



REVISION DATE(S): 07/21/2010, 09/13/2011

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Form: Research Office
Internal Seed Grant Request for “Rebudgeting” or “No Cost Extension”
Form: UD Research Office

Internal Seed Grant Request for “Rebudgeting” or “No Cost Extension”

UD seed grant funds are available to support research, scholarship and creative activities through annual university-wide competitions. These are merit-based grants designed to help launch an idea leading to future external sponsorship of research in the area. Several of the seed grant mechanisms are administered by the Research Office on an annual basis but there are one-time opportunities as well.

This form is to be used to submit your “No Cost Extension,” “Rebudgeting,” or both to amend your terms of the grant.

This form is used when there is a need to adjust the previous budget in General University Research, UDRF, UDRF-SI, FRAUNHOFER CMB-UD related projects.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: January 26, 2016

REVISION DATE(S): 9/15/2022

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Form: Human Subjects in Research
IRBNet New User Registration
Form: Human Subjects in Research

IRBNet New User Registration

The University of Delaware uses the IRBNet system to manage its IRB Protocols with research concerning human subjects. If you are not already registered with IRBNet, it is necessary that you do so in order to produce the documentation that will be reviewed by the University of Delaware’s IRB. After review, the IRB office will communicate with the principal investigator and request any clarifications or edits that need to be completed before approval can be issued.

Once a review has been completed, decision letters are uploaded in IRBNet and are always accessible to the investigator(s). Informed consent documents from projects approved via an expedited or full board review will be stamped with the IRB approval and expiration date and also uploaded in IRBNet. Informed consent must be obtained using the stamped version of the approved documents, (i.e., participants signatures need to be collected in a copy of the stamped informed consent.) No IRB stamp is added to informed consent documents associated to projects deemed exempt.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Lab Hazard Checklist
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Lab Hazard Checklist

Please check the hazards that are associated with your lab and complete the section below and email to or send through Campus Mail to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

Download Form Email


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
Contact us


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