Forms, Policies & Procedures

Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Animal Subjects in Research

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Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Grant Management
Effort Certification
Export Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
Human Subjects in Research
Intellectual Property
Internal Funding
Material Transfer
Reporting Misconduct
Research Administration
Research Development
RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (24 Forms Entries)
Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Application for Analytical X-Ray Equipment Utilization
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Application for Analytical X-Ray Equipment Utilization

Application required in order to use X-Ray equipment for research.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Application for Radionuclide Utilization
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Application for Radionuclide Utilization

Application outlining the personnel and quantities of radionuclides being used for a specific research project.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Application for Use of Open Flame Devices
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Application for Use of Open Flame Devices

Application needed in order to have an open flame in University Facilities. Application must be completed and submitted to EHS 2 weeks prior to the event using the open flame.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Application for Visiting Scientist to Use Radioactive Materials
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Application for Visiting Scientist to Use Radioactive Materials

Visiting scientists may use radioactive materials in University of Delaware laboratories for a one week period provided-

  1. they have significant past radiation experience,
  2. they provide documentation of radiation safety training at their home institution during the previous 12 month period,
  3. they complete this form, and 4) they perform radiation work under the close supervision of a permanent UD radiation worker.

Visitors staying longer than one week or making more than 3 distinct visits to the lab in the same year must contact the UD Radiation Safety Officer (831-8475) to obtain radiation safety training.

Instructions to Visiting Scientist: Complete Sections 1-4 of this form and forward it (with the Section 2 attachment) to the UD Radiation Safety Officer (FAX 302-831-1528) ASAP but at least three working days before you begin radiation work in the laboratory. You must submit this form each time you visit UD and plan to use radioactive material.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Biological Material Registration Form
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Biological Material Registration Form

Registration of Biological Material being used in a specific research study.

Information such as type of bio-material, processes, labs, etc. must be provided as well as an abstract of the work being performed.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Biological Shipping Request
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Biological Shipping Request

Request for clearance to transport potentially hazardous material from requestor (University entity) to a recipient.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Bloodborne Pathogen Program Training Certificate
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Bloodborne Pathogen Program Training Certificate

Certification to record that a participant has gone through all training related to Bloodborne Pathogens and biomaterials for department records.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Chemical Storage Information Request Form
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Chemical Storage Information Request Form

If you do not find the chemical you are looking for in the current data base, please complete the following applicable sections and submit back to DEHS either by fax (831-1528) or email ( DEHS will review the information and forward a storage recommendation.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Chemical Waste Pick-Up Request Webform
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Chemical Waste Pick-Up Request Webform

If the waste is mixed-bulk waste stream, under Waste Stream/Chemical or Compound Name describe the waste, do not list the contents (i.e. Solvent Waste, Acid Waste, Chemically Contaminated Lab Trash, etc.). Note: It is important that the waste constituents along with percentages/volumes be listed out on each respective EHS Chemical Waste Label.

DEHS approved chemical waste containers that are NOT damaged or grossly contaminated will be returned within five business days after pick-up.

Chemical waste pickups are made once a week depending on the number of pick-ups called in for that week. Under normal conditions, pick-ups are made on Tuesdays.

We will only pick up waste that has a properly filled out waste label attached.

Reagent chemicals for disposal must be boxed with a packing slip attached to the box. Go to our Laboratory Chemical Waste Disposal Guide or Office and General Waste Disposal Guide for more information on chemical waste disposal.

If you have any questions using this form, please contact Environmental Health & Safety at (302) 831-8475.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Fire Drill Memo
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Fire Drill Memo

This memo should be sent to a building’s occupants before a fire drill that is in cooperation of Safety Committee, Public Safety and Environmental Health and Safety. The memo should state the purpose of the drill so that if an emergency arises in the future, panic will be minimized and you will know how to respond. Please use this template as a starting point for this correspondence.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
General Safety-Fire-Security Survey Checklist
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

General Safety-Fire-Security Survey Checklist

General Inspection checklist for fire hazards.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Form: Environmental Health and Safety
Hydrofluoric Acid User Authorization Form
Form: Environmental Health and Safety

Hydrofluoric Acid User Authorization Form

This form must be completed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and the designated hydrofluoric acid user before any Hydrofluoric Acid usage and must be updated annually.


Form Details:

OWNER: Environmental Health & Safety

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Environmental Health & Safety

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Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
100 Discovery Boulevard
10th Floor STAR Tower
Newark, DE 19713
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
Contact us



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