Forms, Policies & Procedures
Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.
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Animal Subjects in Research
For Forms, Policies and Procedures pertaining to Animal Subjects in Research and other resources
Conflict of Interest
Contracts and Grant Management
Effort Certification
Export Regulations (ITAR/EAR/OFAC)
Human Subjects in Research
Intellectual Property
Internal Funding
Material Transfer
Reporting Misconduct
Research Administration
Research Agreements
Policy: General Counsel
Research Misconduct
Research Misconduct
The Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) defines research misconduct as “fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, performing, or reporting research results.” It is the policy of the University of Delaware to abide by the OSTP policy in all University research. Any intentional distortion of research data or intentional distortions of information or conclusions derived from research data constitutes misconduct in research and is prohibited by University Policy. …
The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.
Policy Details:
OWNER: Provost
SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies
POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 6-10
ORIGINATION DATE: January 5, 1988
REVISION DATE(S): June 5, 1989; March 1, 1996, January 2005; June 2005; January 18, 2008; May 14, 2008; August 11, 2008
Policy Source