Forms, Policies & Procedures

Here you will find a repository of forms, policies and procedures related to research at the University of Delaware. This repository draws on sources throughout campus to provide quick and easy access to these resources in a variety of formats, such as html, MSWord and Adobe PDF. We encourage you to explore and use the tools provided to narrow your search by word, resource type or category in order to learn more about the content that governs research at UD.

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (66 Entries)
Policy: Research Office
PI Eligibility
Policy: Research Office

PI Eligibility

Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators have primary institutional responsibility for providing scientific/technical leadership and administrative and financial management of sponsored projects. As such, the University has designated the following personnel as eligible to serve as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on sponsored projects*:

  • All full-time faculty regardless of academic rank
  • Visiting faculty/visiting scientists during the time they draw salary support for the performance of the sponsored project through the University
  • Adjunct faculty during the time they draw salary support for the performance of the sponsored project through the University
  • Full-time, academic non-administrative professionals in classified positions at or above Level 31E
  • All full-time postdoctoral fellows* and researchers
  • Under exceptional circumstances documented in writing, other qualified individuals may be designated as a PI. Such designation requires the approval of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation, and must be endorsed by the chair of every unit and the dean of every college in which the research project is to be performed. If granted, this PI designation is limited to the proposed research project under consideration, i.e. it does not afford blanket status to serve as a PI on other proposals. To qualify for an exception, the following criteria must be met:
    • Only individuals identified to the external sponsor as a PI or CPI in the submitted proposal need to have the PI eligibility approval form completed
    • The proposed research must be a programmatic priority of the University
    • There must demonstrably be no qualified member of the UD faculty who is capable of serving or available to serve as the PI
    • The proposed PI must possess the academic and experiential qualifications that are prerequisite to service as a PI at UD, and his or her participation as the PI must be demonstrably necessary for the successful funding and execution of the research project
    • The proposal PI must enter into a signed contract with the University assuring that (a) the work will be conducted in accordance with the high standards of quality expected of all PIs; (b) the PI will comply with all University policies relating to the conduct of research; and (c) the research project will be conducted consistent with all federal laws, rules, and regulations relating to the conduct of research
    • Completion of the Research Office PI approval form and submission of a curriculum vitae (CV)

* Principal Investigator/Co-Principal Investigator status may be rescinded for cause.

*A PI approval form is required to permit postdoctoral fellows to serve this role

If an exception is made to make someone an eligible PI and that person isn’t a full-time University employee, the chair or dean must be a co-PI on all proposals for that person.

Retired Faculty Serving as Principal Investigators

Some faculty members wish to continue their research programs after retirement from the University, but do not qualify for status as principal investigators because they are no longer full-time UD employees. Retired faculty members may apply for PI status using the existing Research Office PI approval form.

If the request is approved, retired faculty members may serve initially as co-PIs on proposals with a full-time faculty member as PI (this would typically be the department chair or another senior faculty member). If the proposal is funded and the retired faculty member is hired to work on that grant, he or she may then serve as the PI during the life of the grant. At the time of hiring, the retired faculty member may be appointed to an appropriate professional staff position (such as, for example, senior research fellow), but under no conditions may be re-hired on the faculty (as, for example, a research professor).

Graduate Students as Principal Investigators

The Research Office acknowledges the importance of permitting graduate students to lead sponsored projects where appropriate. There are several sponsors who offer pre-doctoral grants whereby the work is conceived of and carried out entirely by a graduate student. In these cases, a faculty member is identified as a mentor and oversees the project nominally. (examples: NASA: Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Program (JPFP), NIH: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research, NIH: Predoctoral Training at the Interface of the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences, DOE: The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program – Graduate Fellowship Program).

To that end, the eligible PI approval form may be used at the time of proposal routing to permit the graduate student to have this role. Also, please have the department administrators ensure the graduate student’s supervisor code is associated with a chair and dean code. This will allow the proposal approval web form to be routed appropriately. The required completed form must be sent to the Research Office at least ten (10) working days before the deadline for submittal of the proposal to the funding agency.

There are still other sponsors for whom the need for submission and approval from an Authorized Representative of the University is not required. The student may submit these applications directly to the sponsor without coordination with the Research Office or a PI eligibility form (examples include: NSF Fellowship, Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships for Achieving Excellence in College and University Teaching).

If there are questions concerning which type of funding the grad student is applying, contact the Research Office for guidance.


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: October 14, 2008


Policy Source Email

Form: Research Office
PI Eligibility Approval Form
Form: UD Research Office

PI Eligibility Approval Form

Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators have primary institutional responsibility for providing scientific/technical leadership and administrative and financial management of sponsored projects. The guidelines for Principal Investigator Eligibility require this form to be submitted as a request to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) on a project. The PI will be required to provide a CV and proper training and experience documentation.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: October 14, 2008

REVISION DATE(S): 10/14/2008, 07/24/2013, 11/17/2014, 06/02/2016, 01/04/2017, 10/04/2019, 7-14-2022

Download Form Email

Procedure: Research Office
Procedure for Requesting Letters of Support and Cost Share Commitments from the Research Office
Procedure: Research Office

Procedure for Requesting Letters of Support and Cost Share Commitments from the Research Office

Principal investigators (PIs) are encouraged to review UD’s Cost Sharing Policy. Cost share letters and or commitments require sufficient preparation and often a long lead time. PIs should start this conversation with their respective department chairs or college research office/deans as early as possible. All proposals that require cost share commitments and/or letters of support from UD leadership (president, provost, VP for research, scholarship and innovation) should follow the steps outlined herein.

Please route all requests for cost shares and letters of support requiring UD leadership support through the associate vice president for research development. Encourage the PI’s and research deans to engage with the Research Office (RO) as early as possible through the Research Development Office. Use email for communication to the RO.

The timeline, specified below, depends on the complexity of the cost shares/commitments and level of letters of support.

Cost Sharing and F&A Modifications:

  1. Standard equipment match requests should follow the Equipment Cost Share policy and be communicated to the RO at least one week in advance of the submission date.
  2. RO should be notified at least two weeks from the submission date for proposals with substantial match, such as non‐equipment match. Large/complex proposals, such as major research instrumentation grants or proposals involving more than one college, generally require very substantial university cost share commitments and therefore need even more lead time.
  3. Unless F&A is limited by the sponsor, any reductions of F&A, including its use as cost share, need to be communicated to the RO at least two weeks in advance.

Letters of Support:

  1. Letters of support that involve language for cost shares need to follow the cost share schedule noted above. See also #3 below.
  2. Please plan at least five business days before proposal submission date for letters of support that need president or provost signature; three business days for letters of support that need VP for research, scholarship and innovation support.
  3. The PI and/or respective research dean must provide a draft summary for such letters and key points that must be emphasized in the LOS, paying careful attention to the solicitation’s guidelines.


Procedure Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


Procedure Source Email

Form: Research Office
Provider Category Determination Worksheet
Form: UD Research Office

Provider Category Determination Worksheet

This form is used to help manage the resources allocated from grants, gifts and sponsored agreements. Both the University and the government have specific protocols in place to prevent the misuse of funds and other resources. Please contact your assigned contract and grant specialist if you have specific questions, or if you have questions about other forms and steps in the award process. If you are unsure of who holds the contract and grant specialist position for your department, please refer to the Administrator Directory search on the Staff Directory Page.


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: January 1, 2010


Download Form Email *This form is a fillable pdf and must be downloaded to access it’s features.

Procedure: Research Office
Record Retention Procedure
Procedure: Research Office

Record Retention Procedure

    This procedure outlines record retention responsibilities of Principal Investigators (PIs), Department/College Administrators, Research Office Pre-Award and Post-Award Teams, and other responsible parties involved in the administration of sponsored programs.

    All University faculty and staff who are responsible for administering externally sponsored grants and contracts should be familiar with this procedure.

    1. Sponsor or Sponsoring Agency – An external entity responsible for providing project funding if UD’s proposal is accepted and an official award agreement is subsequently executed.
    2. Record – Documentation pertinent to the programmatic and financial management of an externally-sponsored award.
    3. Record Retention Period – The required amount of time for which records must be maintained for a particular externally-sponsored award.
    The purpose of the Research Office Record Retention Procedure is to ensure record retention and destruction for sponsored programs is conducted in accordance with UD, federal, and sponsor requirements. This mitigates potential UD financial and compliance risk by:

    • Ensuring UD’s ability to provide adequate support documentation to internal parties and authorized external entities when appropriate, especially during audit activities.
    • Establishing a limited time period for record retention, thereby mitigating UD exposure to late audit requests or potential information breaches by unauthorized external entities.

    It is the procedure of the University of Delaware (UD) to retain and dispose of documentation associated with sponsored programs in accordance with applicable sponsor requirements, as well as federal regulations per Uniform Guidance including:

    • §200.333 Retention Requirements for Records
    • §200.334 Requests for Transfer of Records
    • §200.335 Methods for Collection, Transmission, and Storage of Information
    • §200.336 Access to Records
    1. PIs, Department/College Administrators, and Research Office employees are responsible for retaining award records for sponsored programs. This includes financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other UD records pertinent to the award. Records must be maintained for active awards and archived for expired awards based upon standards outlined in this procedure.
    2. UD is obligated to provide authorized external parties (such as sponsors or auditors) with access to award records and documentation for the purpose of audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. This includes timely and reasonable access to UD personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion related to such documents. Inability of UD to provide necessary records to sponsors or other authorized parties upon request may result in adverse financial or compliance impacts, such as potential disallowance of unsupported project costs
    3. It is the preference of UD (and federal sponsors) that award records be maintained in electronic rather than paper formats when practicable. Copies of original records, either in paper or electronic format, may be substituted for original records, so long as they remain unaltered and readable.
    4. D. PIs, Department/College Administrators, and Research Office employees are responsible for maintaining primary support documentation for sponsored programs in local Shared Drives as well as other electronic systems. The table below outlines common award records and storage methods maintained under this procedure:

      Document Type

      Storage Method

      Proposal Documentation
      submitted to the sponsor such as budgets, budget justifications, scope of work, subaward documents, abstracts, etc.

      • PeopleSoft Attachments
      • Cayuse
      • Webforms (Proposal Approvals)
      • Local Shared Drives
      • Sponsor Web-Based Portals (ex: Proposal Submissions)

      Official Award Notices
      and contractual documents issued to UD from the sponsor.

      • PeopleSoft Attachments
      • Local Shared Drives
      • Sponsor Web-Based Portals (ex: Grants Management)

      Programmatic Support Documents
      pertinent to the award administration including detailed budgets, institutional approvals, and important correspondence.

      • PeopleSoft Attachments
      • Local Shared Drives
      • Webforms (ex: Proposal Approvals, Budget Adjustments)

      Financial Reports and Invoices
      submitted to the sponsor to report expenditures and/or request payment.

      • PeopleSoft Attachments
      • Local Shared Drives
      • Sponsor Web-Based Portals (ex: Federal Financial Reports, Payment Management Systems)

      Financial Backup
      supporting award expenditures and reporting such as account reconciliations, receipts, cost transfer forms, and expense approvals.

      • PeopleSoft Attachments
      • Local Shared Drives
      • Webforms (ex: Automated Closeout Reports, Journal Vouchers, Cost Transfers, Purchase Orders)
      • Concur/Works (ex: Expense Approvals)
      • Effort Reporting System

      Technical Reports and Deliverables
      submitted to the sponsor to report research program outcomes.

      • Local Shared Drives
      • Sponsor Web-Based Portals (ex: Technical Reports)
      • Webforms (ex: Automated Closeout Reports)

      Compliance Protocols
      and approvals related to sponsored research programs (e.g. human and animal subjects).

      • IRBNet (ex: IRB/IACUC Protocols)
      • Local Shared Drives
    6. Records should be disposed of upon expiration of the required record retention period for an award in order to limit excess audit risk and potential information breaches to UD. Unless a longer duration is required by the sponsor, or per other exceptions outlined in the table below, it is UD’s procedure to retain records for four years after an award’s end date. Destruction of such records should follow UD protocols to ensure they are no longer needed for reference.

      Exception Scenario

      Retention Period

      Exception Description

      Sponsor or Award Specific Retention Period

      Per Sponsor Requirements

      Retention requirements may vary depending on award guidelines, terms, and conditions set by the sponsor. These may be stricter than the standard four-year retention period and will be evaluated on a case by case basis. PIs and their Department/College Administrators should contact the Research Office with any questions regarding the specific record retention requirements applicable to their award.

      Litigation, Claim, or Audit

      Until Resolution

      If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the four-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action has been taken.

      Written Notice for Extension

      Per Written Notice

      UD will comply with any official written notice by a Federal sponsor, cognizant agency for audit, oversight agency for audit, cognizant agency for indirect costs, or pass-through entity to extend the record retention period.

      Final Financial Report Submitted ≥1 Year After the Award End Date

      3 Years After Final Financial Report Submissions

      If under rare circumstances, the final financial report was submitted or revised ≥1 year past the award’s expiration date, the award will be retained for 3 years after the final financial report was submitted to the sponsor.

      Real Property and Equipment

      3 Years After Final Disposition

      Records for real property and equipment acquired with Federal funds must be retained for three years after final disposition.

      Records Transferred

      Not Applicable to UD

      When records are transferred to or maintained by a Federal sponsor or pass-through entity, the record retention requirement is not applicable to UD.

      Program Income Transactions

      3 Years After the Applicable Fiscal Year End Date

      In some cases, UD must report program income after the period of performance. When this requirement exists, the retention period for the records pertaining to the earning of the program income starts from the end of UD’s fiscal year in which the program income is earned..

      Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate Proposals

      3 Years After the Date of Proposal Submission, or 3 Years After the Applicable Fiscal Year End Date

      For facilities and administrative cost rate computations or proposals, cost allocation plans, and any similar accounting computations of the rate at which a particular group of costs is chargeable (such as computer usage chargeback rates or composite fringe benefit rates):

      • If submitted for negotiation, a three-year retention period for supporting records starts from the date of such submission.
      • If not submitted for negotiation, a three-year retention period starts from the end of the fiscal year covered.


Procedure Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: February 7, 2020

Procedure Source Email

Procedure: Research Office
Research Office Accounts Receivable Monitoring, Collections and Write-offs Procedure
Procedure: Research Office

Research Office Accounts Receivable Monitoring, Collections and Write-offs Procedure

    The University of Delaware is responsible for requesting and collecting funds related to externally sponsored grants and contracts. Ensuring timely receipt of these funds is an important function of the Research Office Billing Team in close coordination with Principal Investigators (PIs), Department/College Administrators, other central administrative offices, and sponsors.

    The Research Office Billing Team completes billing and collections activities for sponsored research programs. These activities are conducted in accordance with sponsor payment terms set forth in contractual agreements. Contractual payment terms generally require the University to submit invoices or cash drawdowns for payment by the sponsor. While the University receives most sponsor payments reliably, there are scenarios which may place receivables at-risk for nonpayment. Common scenarios which require extra attention from the Research Office include:

    • Issues or questions identified with a submitted invoice. Such instances typically require support documentation or a revised invoice be provided to the sponsor.
    • Incorrect or outdated sponsor billing contacts and/or address information. Such instances require follow-up to ensure invoices reach the correct sponsor contact/office for payment.
    • Unwillingness or inability of a sponsor to fulfill their obligation to pay the University in accordance with contractual payment terms. Such instances require internal escalation and may result in a stop work order depending on risk factors involved.

    The goal of this procedure is to minimize financial loss resulting from uncollectible accounts receivables for sponsored research programs at the University. As such, this procedure sets forth guidance for the Research Office Billing Team to proactively:

    • Monitor and collect outstanding accounts receivables in a consistent, timely manner.
    • Write-off accounts receivables balances deemed uncollectible by the University.
    1. Invoice or Cash Drawdown: A formal billing statement requesting a sponsor pay the University in accordance with contractual payment terms.
    2. Accounts Receivables (AR): A monetary balance owed to the University by means of an invoice or cash drawdown. Any unpaid accounts receivables are considered “outstanding”.
    3. AR Aging Report: A list of outstanding accounts receivables categorized by age (total days old) in the University’s financial system. Regular AR aging reports are generated for review:
      1. Monthly for the Research Office Billing Team
      2. Quarterly for the Research Office and Finance
      3. Semi-Annually for the Board of Trustees Finance Committee
    4. AR Monitoring: Administrative activity related to regular review and tracking of outstanding accounts receivables.
    5. Dunning Letter: A formal notice sent to the sponsor requesting payment for outstanding accounts receivables.
    6. Uncollectible AR Balances: Outstanding accounts receivables balances which have virtually no chance of being paid by the sponsor.
      1. The University designates balances as uncollectible after thorough collections efforts have made without receipt of payment from the sponsor.
    7. AR Write-Off: The process of removing uncollectible AR balances from University financials.
    All University faculty and staff who are responsible for administering externally sponsored grants and contracts should be familiar with this procedure.

    The Research Office Billing Team (Billing Coordinators and the Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables) manages billing, collections, and write-off activities for all sponsored projects in close coordination with other central offices, PIs, and departments/colleges. Specific roles and responsibilities are outlined in the matrix below:


    Accounts Receivable Monitoring, Collections, and Write-offs Procedure

    Responsible Party
    P = Primary, S = Secondary, O = Oversight, I = Input

    Research Office



    Billing Coordinators

    Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables

    Department/ College

    Principal Investigators

    Complete invoices and cash drawdowns per payment terms in the award agreement


    P, O



    Monitor outstanding accounts receivables via the AR Aging Report





    Follow-up with sponsors to determine payment status of outstanding AR


    S, O



    Send Dunning Letter(s) to request payment from sponsors for outstanding AR


    S, O



    Escalate outstanding AR to other individuals (ex: AVP Research Administration, Deans, General Counsel, Finance)





    Complete write-offs for uncollectible AR balances in coordination with other central offices/leadership






    Accounts receivables monitoring, collections, and write-off activities will occur per steps outlined in the timeline below, based on the aging category of outstanding receivables. It is critical that communications from the Research Office, PIs, and departments/colleges be both timely and consistent with the steps below to realize high collection rates and maintain a positive working relationship with the sponsor. Below is a standard timeline to guide these activities:


    Aging Category

    Collection Resolution Steps

    30 days
    Current AR

    No collections action is required for AR items outstanding for 30-days or less, as these are considered current by the University.

    31-90 days
    Billing Coordinator Follows-Up via Email

    Billing Coordinators will:

    • Include past due amounts on subsequent invoices.
    • Request the sponsor provide payment status for all outstanding AR items when submitting subsequent invoices for payment.
    • Document collections efforts and sponsor correspondence via receivables comments in the University Financial System.

    The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will:

    • Review outstanding AR collections via the monthly AR Aging Report.

    91-120 days
    Billing Coordinator Follows-Up via Email, Phone, and Dunning Letter

    Billing Coordinators will:

    • Include past due amounts on subsequent invoices.
    • Request the sponsor provide payment status for all outstanding AR items when submitting subsequent invoices for payment.
    • Take additional steps to contact the sponsor via phone calls, follow-up emails, and other contact points.
    • If 2-4 weeks pass by and no response is received regarding outstanding items, issue a Dunning Letter to formally request sponsor payment.
    • Document collections efforts and sponsor correspondence via receivables comments in the University Financial System.

    The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will:

    • Review outstanding AR collections via the monthly AR Aging Report.

    121-180 days
    Billing Coordinator Follows-Up via Email and Escalates Items to the PI and Department/College Administrator

    Billing Coordinators will:

    • Include past due amounts on subsequent invoices.
    • Request the sponsor provide payment status for all outstanding AR items when submitting subsequent invoices for payment.
    • Alert the PI and Department/College Administrator of unsuccessful collections efforts. Request them to contact the sponsor for resolution.
    • Document collections efforts and sponsor correspondence via receivables comments in the University Financial System.

    The PI and/or Department/College Administrator will:

    • Contact the sponsor to request payment status of outstanding AR and copy the Billing Coordinator. Notify the Billing Coordinator of any other attempted correspondence and/or resulting information obtained.

    The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will:

    • Review outstanding AR collections via the monthly AR Aging Report.

    181-365 days
    Billing Coordinator Follows-Up via Email; Assistant Director Escalates Items to the AVP Research Administration and consults University General Counsel

    Billing Coordinators will:

    • Include past due amounts on subsequent invoices.
    • Request the sponsor provide payment status for all outstanding AR items when submitting subsequent invoices for payment.
    • Document collections efforts and sponsor correspondence via receivables comments in the University Financial System.

    The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will:

    • Review collections and outstanding receivables via the monthly AR Aging Report.
    • Alert the PI, Department/College Administrator, College Business Officer, Dean, and AVP Research Administration, and Finance of unsuccessful collections efforts.
    • Coordinate with appropriate parties to determine if work should continue based on financial risk.
    • Consult with University General Counsel to determine legal recourse if deemed necessary.

    >365 days
    Assistant Director Escalates to Dean, AVP Research Administration, and Finance; University Determines
    Write-Offs for Uncollectible Balances

    The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will:

    • Review collections and outstanding receivables via the monthly AR Aging Report.
    • Alert the PI, Department/College Administrator, College Business Officer, Dean, AVP Research Administration, and Director of Cost Accounting of unsuccessful collections efforts.
    • Coordinate with appropriate parties to determine if outstanding AR balances are uncollectible.

    If all collections efforts fail, including applicable legal recourse, the AR balance will be deemed uncollectible and be written off by the University. All write-offs must be approved by both the Research Office and Finance prior to processing.


    Below are additional scenarios requiring actions outside of the above standard timeline:

    1. Sponsor Refusal to Pay Due to Identified Billing Issues: The sponsor may refuse payment due to a billing issue, such as unallowable costs included, additional backup required, and/or format updates needed for an invoice. In these instances:
      1. The Billing Coordinator will work to resolve any billing errors via a revised invoice and/or provide additional backup detail to the sponsor.
    2. Sponsor Refusal to Pay Due to Inadequate Work Performance: The sponsor may refuse payment due to inadequate work performance (pending deliverables, reports, and other technical functions for which the University is contractually obligated). In these instances:
      1. The Billing Coordinator will notify the Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables and request the PI and Department/College Administrator reach a resolution with the sponsor within 2-weeks time:
        1. If resolution is not reached in 2-weeks, the Billing Coordinator will send a reminder to the PI and Department/College Administrator.
        2. ii. If resolution is not reached in 4-weeks, the Billing Coordinator will send a reminder to the PI and Department/College Administrator, copying the PI’s Chair, Dean and/or College Business Officer.
      2. Depending on risk factors involved, a meeting may be scheduled with the AVP Research Administration and other appropriate parties to discuss whether work should continue.
    3. Sponsor Refusal to Pay Due to Unwillingness/Inability: If a sponsor refuses to pay due to their belief that the receivable is not their obligation, or due to their inability to pay, the PI and Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables should be notified immediately.
      1. The Assistant Director of Billing and Receivables will escalate the situation to the AVP Research Administration and appropriate parties will review the validity of the claim, determine whether additional work should continue based on applicable risk factors, and consult with University General Counsel for legal recourse.
      2. If a sponsor has defaulted on a debt, the AVP Research Administration will consult with the VP Research, Innovation, and Scholarship to determine if further contract assignments should be accepted by the University.
      3. A stop work order may be issued based on University review of risk factors involved.
        If the PI continues work after issuance of a stop work order, the PI and his/her department will become wholly responsible for all additional deficits that occur after the date of the stop work order.


Procedure Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office



Procedure Source Email

Form: Research Office
Research Subaward Agreement: Attachment 3B – (Page 2)
Form: UD Research Office

Research Subaward Agreement: Attachment 3B – (Page 2)

Research Subaward Agreement Page 2 which needs to be filled out for FFATA reporting.

Related Links


Form Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: September 3, 2021

REVISION DATE(S): 2/28/2022

Download Form Email

Form: Research Office
Research Subaward Agreement: Attachment 3B (A two page pdf)
Form: UD Research Office

Research Subaward Agreement: Attachment 3B (A two page pdf)

Research Subaward Agreement that is needed for FFATA reporting. It is important to have both pages filled out. Page 1 is information needed for subrecipient contacts including UEI details, administration personnel information and location. Page 2 details includes the names and compensation of the five most highly compensated officers.


Form Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: September 2, 2017

REVISION DATE(S): 02/28/2024, 02/28/2022, 05/09/2024

Download Form Email

Policy: General Counsel
Residual Balance Transfer
Policy: General Counsel

Residual Balance Transfer


    The Residual Balance policy sets forth the final disposition of residual balances on Fixed-Price, Fixed-Rate, and Non-Refundable grants and contracts at the University of Delaware (UD) in which no designation was made by the sponsor as to the use of any unexpended balance.

    This policy sets forth the requirements for justification, approval, and management of unexpended balances for Fixed-Price, Fixed-Rate or Non-Refundable contracts. If assurances and justifications are provided per this policy, an unexpended balance may be transferred to the appropriate residual account defined by the administering department.

    Residual balances will be distributed proportionately between direct costs and F&A costs, with the direct cost amount being transferred to the administering department. The F&A costs will be transferred to the Central F&A pool.

    All residual balance requests require a Residual Balance Transfer form be completed and submitted to the Research Office for processing.

Related Links

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Vice President for Research, Scholarship & Innovation

SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 5-21

ORIGINATION DATE: December 2, 2020

Policy Source Email

Form: Research Office
Residual Balance Transfer Request Form
Form: Research Office

Residual Balance Transfer Request Form

Use this form if a residual funding balance remains on a fixed-price sponsored program after all allocable direct and F&A costs have been charged, the PI may use this form to request the residual amount be transferred to a non-sponsored departmental account per the Residual Balance Policy. Residual balances will be distributed proportionately between direct costs and F&A costs, with the direct cost amount being transferred to the administering department. Email completed forms to your Sponsored Research Accountant for final Research Office approvals and processing.

Related Links


Form Details:

OWNER: Vice President for Research, Scholarship & Innovation


ORIGINATION DATE: December 2, 2020

Download Form Email

Form: Research Office
Salary Reference Sheet
Form: Research Office

Salary Reference Sheet

This is a salary reference sheet defining position, salary plan, period of implementation, internal and external benefit rates and more. This is a budgeting aid when developing a proposal.

Related Links


Form Details:

OWNER: Research Administration

ORIGINATION DATE: April 14, 2021

REVISION DATE(S): 7/02/2020, 7/09/2020, 10/26/2020, 6/23/2021, 2/16/2022, 5/6/2022, 7/6/2022, 7/21/2023, 6/14/2024

Download FormDownload Form Email

Form: State of Delaware
Single Point of Contact (SPoC) Form
Form: State of Delaware

Single Point of Contact (SPoC) Form

This form is used to help manage the resources allocated from grants, gifts and sponsored agreements. Both the University and the government have specific protocols in place to prevent the misuse of funds and other resources. Please contact your assigned contract and grant specialist if you have specific questions, or if you have questions about other forms and steps in the award process. If you are unsure of who holds the contract and grant specialist position for your department, please refer to the Administrator Directory search on the Staff Directory Page.


Form Details:

OWNER: State of Delaware: Office of Management and Budget

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: State of Delaware: Office of Management and Budget

Download Form Email


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
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