Forms, Policies & Procedures

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

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RO Forms, Policies, and Procedures Search 2019

Forms, Policies and Procedures (19 Policies Entries)
Policy: Research Office
3-Business-Day Internal Proposal Deadline Policy
Policy: Research Office

3-Business-Day Internal Proposal Deadline Policy


    This policy addresses the internal deadline set forth for proposal review and submission by the Research Office, and applies to all departments, faculty, and staff involved in externally sponsored research at the University of Delaware (UD).

    UD investigators must have their proposals to the Research Office by 8:00am, at least three business days prior to the agency deadline – or they are not guaranteed to be submitted to the sponsor.

    Currently, the Research Office processes over 1,800 proposals per year at UD, and of that number, between 600 and 700 proposals typically are funded by a wide range of sponsoring agencies. Successful proposals account for an influx of more than $161 million in research expenditures each year.

    Depending on the funding agency and program, these proposals, with their required text, cited references, budgets, forms and appendices, may range in size from a few pages for a small proposal to more than a thousand pages for large, multi-institutional efforts. The Research Office conducts a thorough review of proposals prior to submission to increase their funding success rate. Due to the large volume of proposals submitted, the 3-Business-Day Internal Proposal Deadline Policy has been established to facilitate this review and ensure a smooth and successful proposal submission process at UD.

    1. Funding Opportunity – A formal request by an external sponsoring agency to request participation in an upcoming project, outlining project-specific goals, deadlines, eligibility, and deliverables.
    2. Proposal – A formal application by UD to participate in an externally-sponsored project, made in response to a funding opportunity.
    3. Sponsor or Sponsoring Agency – A external entity responsible for providing project funding if UD’s proposal is accepted and an official award agreement is subsequently executed.
    4. Proposal Review and Submission – The process by which a proposal is formally reviewed by UD and submitted to an external sponsoring agency.
    5. Internal Proposal Deadline – The deadline by which proposals must be provided to the Research Office for full review prior to the sponsor proposal deadline.
    6. Funding Opportunity – A formal request by an external sponsoring agency to request participation in an upcoming project, outlining project-specific goals, deadlines, eligibility, and deliverables.
    7. Sponsor or Sponsoring Agency Proposal Deadline – The deadline by which a UD proposal must be submitted to an external sponsoring agency for review and consideration, typically outlined via the funding opportunity.
    The Research Office is committed to facilitating the submission of proposals of the highest quality to increase the probability of research funding success at UD. The 3-Business-Day Internal Proposal Deadline Policy allows the Research Office to conduct a meaningful review of the final proposal package prior to submission. This includes a thorough review for compliance with sponsor and UD rules and regulations, while allowing time for principal investigators and their administrators to finalize the scientific content.
    1. Internal Deadlines for Proposal Submission
      1. UD investigators must have their proposals to the Research Office by 8:00am, at least three business days prior to the agency deadline – or they are not guaranteed to be submitted to the sponsor. Recognizing that the proposal’s technical content requires maximum time to develop, the Research Office accepts proposal packages for review excluding the final technical component/narrative. This allows the proposal package to be prepared and readied for submission while the technical content is finalized. Final technical content must be provided to the Research Office no less than 9 business hours prior to the agency deadline to ensure all formatting requirements are met and potential submission issues are avoided.
      2. Submitting departments, units, and schools may have their own review timeline that is outside the scope of the Research Office deadline. Both the Research Office and the Principal Investigator’s submitting department/unit need adequate time to review and approve proposal submissions. Proactive coordination is important to ensure all complexities are understood and addressed well in advance of the sponsor deadline, especially for complex awards.
    2. Proposal Packages
      1. Proposal packages must contain all elements listed below for review by the Research Office. If any of the elements below are missing, the proposal will be considered incomplete, and will be returned to the Principal Investigator:
        1. Program Solicitation
        2. Fully-Approved Proposal Webform
        3. Statement of Work (SOW) and/or Abstract.
          1. Final Science/Technical content must be provided to the Research Office no less than 9 business hours prior to the agency deadline.
        4. Detailed Budget
        5. Budget Justification
        6. Subaward Documents (SOW, Budget, Budget Justification, etc.)
        7. Up-to-Date Conflict of Interest Disclosure (per the COI Policy)
        8. Other Components (per Sponsor and UD requirements)
    3. Proposal Review and Submission
      1. Proposals received prior to the 3-Business-Day deadline will take precedence over those received after the internal deadline. After all proposals received on-time have been processed and submitted, the Research Office will review and submit, to the best of its ability, all other proposals.
      2. The Research Office follows a “staggered” review process wherein the date a proposal is received dictates the level of review provided per below:
        1. Full Review if received at least 3 business days prior to the sponsor deadline.
        2. Limited Review if received 2 business days prior to the sponsor deadline.
        3. Minimal Review if received 1 business day prior to the sponsor deadline.


          Full Review
          ≥3 Business Days

          Limited Review
          2 Business Days

          Minimal Review
          ≤1 Business Day

          PI Eligibility

          Fully-Approved Proposal Webform

          UD, Federal, and State Compliances

          Sponsor Guidelines, Terms, and Conditions


          Consultation with Other UD Administrative Offices


          Proposal Details



          Other Management Plans




      3. Proposals received after the 3-Business-Day internal deadline will be submitted to external sponsors with “Minimal” or “Limited” review per above. Any proposal submitted without “Full” review is subject to the following:
        1. If any grave errors are found (i.e. budget and/or compliance) upon full review post-submission, the application will be withdrawn by the Research Office.
        2. The submitting department/unit agrees to assume responsibility for any budget errors/omissions made in the proposal.
        3. The submitting department/unit acknowledges that proposals may contain terms and conditions that may be non-negotiable and, if not resolved, may require UD to decline an award.
      4. Proposals submitted with insufficient review present a greater risk of being rejected/invalidated from the sponsor and/or becoming subject to various adverse scenarios such as:
        1. Risk of proposal rejection due to non-compliance with sponsor guidelines
        2. Risk of proposal rejection due to electronic system failure
        3. Risk of department/unit incurring financial burden due to budget errors or omissions
        4. Risk of UD withdrawal of proposal post-submission or UD rejection of the award


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: January 3, 2007

REVISION DATE(S): 9/16/19, 3/01/2021

Policy Source Email

Policy: Research Office
Budget Revision for Sponsored Awards
Policy: Research Office

Budget Revision for Sponsored Awards


The budget plan is the financial expression of the project or program as approved by the sponsor during the award process. During the conduct of a project, the principal investigator may determine that budget changes are necessary to carry-out the project work. Many sponsors allow flexibility in how project funds are expended and permit budget changes needed to meet project requirements. Principal investigators need to be aware of the specific requirements for their awards and to request prior approval for budget changes when the terms and conditions of the sponsor or particular award require it. Revisions to sponsored project budgets that require sponsor prior approval must be reviewed and approved by the Research Office.

Informal rebudgeting occurs when actual expenditures exceed or fall short of the amount budgeted in a specific budget category. If sponsor prior approval is not required by the award terms, it is not required to submit a budget revision-contracts and grants webform to re-align the budget to match actual expenditures.

Procedure when requesting a rebudget of funds on same purpose code:

  • To request rebudgeting of funds on a federal or federal flow-through grant or contract:
    1. Complete a FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webform
    2. All FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webforms involving federal or federal flow-through awards will automatically route to the Research Office for review and approval
    3. Provide an explanation and justification regarding the rebudget request
    4. If sponsor requires prior approval of budget revisions please note this in the comments
    5. A Research Office Contract & Grant Specialist will review the request and the terms and conditions of the award
    6. If sponsor prior approval is required, the Contract & Grant Specialist will forward the rebudgeting request to the sponsoring agency
      1. The Research Office waits for determination from sponsor before processing the budget revision webform
      2. If request is approved, the budget revision webform will be approved and processed by the Contract & Grant Specialist
      3. If request is denied, the budget revision webform will be returned to originator and canceled. The Contract & Grant Specialist will enter an explanation regarding the sponsor’s decision in the comments
    7. If sponsor prior approval is not required, the Contract & Grant Specialist will review the request and if appropriate approve the form and process the budget revision in the financial system
  • To request rebudgeting of funds on a non-federal or federal flow through grant or contract :
    1. Complete a FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webform
    2. All FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webforms involving non-federal or federal flow-through awards will automatically copy to the Research Office
    3. Provide an explanation and justification regarding the rebudget request
    4. If sponsor prior approval for budget revisions is required, note this in the explanation comments AND manually forward the form for Research Office review and approval by adding the Research Office to the electronic form routing (forward to Note: if sponsor prior approval is required and the form is not forwarded to the Research Office for review, the PI’s department will be responsible to remove any disallowed costs resulting from the unauthorized rebudgeting
    5. When a FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webform is forwarded to RO for approval, Research Office Contract & Grant Specialist will review the request and the terms of the award. If sponsor prior approval is required, the Contract & Grant Specialist will forward the rebudgeting request to the sponsor
      1. The Research Office waits for determination from sponsor before processing the budget revision webform
      2. If request is approved, the budget revision webform will be approved and processed in the financial system by the Research Office
      3. If request is denied, the budget revision webform will be returned to originator and canceled. The Contract & Grant Specialist will enter an explanation regarding the sponsor’s decision in the comments
    6. If a FIN Budget Revision – Contracts and Grants webform for a non-federal or federal flow-through award is not forwarded to the Research Office manually by the form submitter, once all internal approvals are recorded, the system will automatically apply the budget revision in the financial system

Any questions, please contact your Contract and Grant Administrator.


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Class I Movable Equipment Policy
Policy: General Counsel

Class I Movable Equipment Policy

    To establish guidelines to be followed when ordering Class I equipment, parts thereof, or when assembling (from parts and pieces) Class I equipment.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Financial & Business Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of the Vice President For Finance and Deputy Treasurer

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 5-10

ORIGINATION DATE: April 30, 1984

REVISION DATE(S): October 2, 1985; April 6, 1989; August 1996; July 2000; July 1, 2005

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Consultants for Research, Public Service or Instructional Activities
Policy: General Counsel

Consultants for Research, Public Service or Instructional Activities

    The purpose of this policy is to provide for the engagement of non-University personnel (consultants) for expertise required to fulfill University commitments and objectives. It is expected that University activities will be carried out to the maximum extent possible by utilizing regular employees rather than consultants. However, consultants may be utilized when necessary expertise cannot be provided adequately by regular employees within the scope of their University employment agreement. The policies and procedures outlined below are designed to meet University and Federal requirements.
    1. Before entering into an agreement with a consultant, the account administrator will ensure that the following criteria have been met and are explained in writing on an attachment to the Contractual Agreement for Consulting Services:
      1. Why the expertise of the person is needed and cannot be met by the utilization of a regular University employee within the context of his or her employment agreement with the University.
      2. The selection process that has been used to secure the most qualified personal available, considering the nature and extent of expertise required. If the Dean/Chair/Director does not have personal knowledge of the consultant’s credentials, vitae must be attached.
      3. Why the fee is appropriate considering the qualification of the person to be utilized, his or her normal charge, and the nature of the expertise to be rendered.
      4. That except in unusual circumstances, the person has not been a regular employee of the University within the twelve calendar months preceding his or her use as a consultant.
      5. That the arrangement will last for a specified period and it is understood that no employment arrangements or repeated or extended arrangement will normally result. Any prior use of the consultant must be disclosed, including dates and amounts. In cases of repeated or extended arrangement with a consultant, the reasons why a recurrence is considered necessary are to be explained.
      6. That funds for a consultant are available in the budget.
      7. That approval for utilizing a consultant has been obtained, if necessary, in the case of an externally sponsored program.
      8. That any restrictions as to per diem rates on externally sponsored programs have been met.
      9. That signed written reports will be provided by the consultant to fulfill the requirements of the work statement.

Related Links

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Research Office


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 4-27



Policy Source Email

Policy: Research Office
Cost Shares for Equipment
Policy: Research Office

Cost Shares for Equipment

Research Office equipment cost share dollars are available when proposals either require equipment cost share or the project budget exceeds the available funding in the area of equipment. Research Office policy allows for one-time requests of up to $50,000. Up to $50,000 for each of the years of funding proposed may be requested in case of large scale proposals of strategic significance to UD and that involve multiple academic units. All sums requested from the Research Office must also be matched in the equivalent amount by the college/unit (i.e., $50K from the Research Office requires an equal $50K from the college/unit).

Cost share letters and or commitments, including equipment, require sufficient justification and often a long lead time for approvals. PIs should start this conversation with their respective department chairs, or college research office/deans as early as possible. All proposals that require such commitments and/or letters of support from UD leadership (President, Provost, VP Research) should follow the steps outlined here. Please route all such requests via email to Decision time on requests depends on the amount requested and the status will be conveyed back to the PI usually within a few days.

Formal approval for Research Office match of the cost share occurs at the time of the proposal submission through inclusion in the grant budget. The Proposal Approval Form will automatically be routed to those responsible for the cost share approval and for commitment to cover additional cost overrun attributed multi-year equipment match funding.

For further questions about Equipment Cost Share policy, please contact your Contract and Grant Administrator.


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office



Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Cost Sharing Policy
Policy: General Counsel

Cost Sharing Policy

    The University engages in cost sharing when it is in the best overall interest of the University, limited to situations in which it is mandated by the sponsor per solicitation or policy guidelines, or deemed appropriate in light of specific and compelling circumstances.
    This policy establishes the requirements and procedures for proposing, approving, administering, and documenting Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects, including all contributions, such as cash and in-kind, that a recipient makes to an award at the University of Delaware (“UD” or “University”). This policy also sets forth requirements to ensure compliance with federal regulations (Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-110 and A-21 or Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200). This policy applies to all University departments, units, faculty, staff and students.

Related Links

Cost Share for Equipment Policy

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation

SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 6-19

ORIGINATION DATE: November 3, 2009

REVISION DATE(S): 11/03/2009, 07/21/2015, 02/05/2020

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Equipment Screening Policy
Policy: General Counsel

Equipment Screening Policy

    All proposed purchases of equipment using federal or federal flow-thru funds having a requisition cost of $5,000 or more are subject to the screening program to determine if like equipment exists on campus and is available for use.
    To meet Federal government requirements for the purchase of equipment funded in sponsored programs.

The authority to enforce this policy lies within the Procurement Services Department. Any questions may be directed to (302) 831- 2161 or

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Executive Vice President

SECTION: Financial & Business Policies

RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Office of the Vice President For Finance and Deputy Treasurer

POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 5-21

ORIGINATION DATE: November 14, 1991

REVISION DATE(S): April 2000; July 1, 2005

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
External Sponsorship and Grant
Policy: General Counsel

External Sponsorship and Grant

    It is important that the long-range implications of the acceptance by the University of any external grant be carefully considered. In the past, the University has sometimes found itself in a position where the acceptance of these grants has resulted in serious budgetary commitments which extended far above and beyond the grant income. This has been particularly true in the case of federal, departmental, or program developmental grants which have involved continuing financial commitments for staff, equipment, and other items.
    To insure that acceptance of external grants by faculty members does not create unforeseen and unrealized financial burdens for the University.

ALL proposals and awards with the exception of those that fall within the limits of delegated authority must be approved and signed by the Vice Provost for Research or his or her designee.

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Provost

SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 6-03

ORIGINATION DATE: April 15, 1975

REVISION DATE(S): September 26, 1990; January 22, 1997; January 18, 2008; August 6, 2008

Policy Source Email

Policy: Research Office
Fly America Act and Open Skies Agreements
Policy: Research Office

Fly America Act and Open Skies Agreements

Generally, if a traveler is traveling on funds provided by the federal government, he/she must* use a U.S. flag carrier (an airline owned by an American company), regardless of cost or convenience.

If you are scheduling international travel that is federally funded, you must ensure that all flights, where possible, are scheduled on U.S. flag carriers or on foreign air carriers that code share with a U.S. flag carrier. Code sharing occurs when two or more airlines “code” the same flight as if it was their own. In other words, a U.S. airline may sell a seat on the plane of a foreign air carrier; this seat is considered the same as one on a plane operated by a U.S. flag carrier. Compliance with the Fly America Act is satisfied when the U.S. flag air carrier’s designator code is present in the area next to the flight numbers on the airline ticket, boarding pass, or on the documentation for an electronic ticket (passenger receipt).


Related Links


Fly America Waiver Checklist


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


Policy Source Email

Policy: Research Office
Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement
Policy: Research Office

Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement

UD FY25 Fringe Benefit Rate Agreement


The Fringe Benefits rates contained herein are for use on grants, contracts and/or other agreements issued or awarded to the University of Delaware by all Federal Agencies of the United States of America, in accordance with the cost principles mandated by 2 CFR Part 200. These rates shall be used for forward pricing and billing purposes for the University of Delaware Fiscal Year 2025. This rate agreement supersedes all previous rate agreements/determinations for Fiscal Year 2025.


Fringe Benefits Rates:

Type From To Rate Ag Appropriation (3A) Applicable
Fixed 7/1/24 6/30/25 41.9% 34.7% Faculty/ Prof. Employees
Fixed 7/1/24 6/30/25 58.0% 39.7% Staff Employees
Fixed 7/1/24 6/30/25 12.3% 12.3% Graduate Students
Fixed 7/1/24 6/30/25 8.6% 8.6% Other*
Provisional 7/1/25 Until Amended

*Excludes student wages exempt from FICA.

Related Links

UD-FY-2025 Colleges and Universities Rate Agreement


Policy Details:

OWNER: Research Office



REVISION DATE(S): 11/22/2019, 7/2/2019, 7/1/2020, 7/9/2020, 6/23/2021, 7/5/2022, 6/26/2023, 6/12/2024

Policy Source Email

Policy: Research Office
Graduate Tuition Policy
Policy: Research Office

Graduate Tuition Policy


    This policy sets forth graduate tuition requirements for proposals and awards, and applies to all departments, faculty, and staff involved in externally sponsored research at the University of Delaware.


    The Research Office requires graduate tuition to be budgeted to grants and contracts at a minimum rate of 40% of the full-time tuition, per student proportional to effort, at the university base rate of $1,069 per credit hour for the fall and spring semesters. Exceptions to this policy may be granted under specific circumstances as outlined per this policy.

    1. Budgeting Requirements
      1. Graduate tuition must be budgeted as a direct charge to all grants and contracts at a minimum rate of 40% of the full-time tuition, per student, at the university base rate of $1,069 per credit hour for the fall and spring semesters.
      2. Full tuition is considered 9 credit hours per semester at the university rate of $1,069 per credit hour.
        1. If a graduate student is being budgeted at less than 100% of their stipend, the rate of the tuition should be prorated proportionately across all proposals, if applicable.
          1. For example, for a student budgeted at 50% of their stipend, a minimum of 20% shall be and up to 50% of the tuition may be budgeted on the proposal. Or, for a student budgeted at 50% of their stipend on two proposals (25% on each proposal), a minimum of 10% shall be and up to 25% of the tuition may be budgeted on each proposal.
        2. If a sponsor provides a stated amount for cost of education, the full amount as stated by the sponsor may be budgeted.
  4. Policy Exception Requests
    1. Exceptions to this policy may be granted with approval of both the PI’s Dean (or designee) and the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation (or designee) in cases where:
      1. the funding organization has a written policy precluding or limiting the charging of graduate tuition to awards, or
      2. the total funding available to the PI(s) for the project is less than $75,000 per year.
    2. Exception Requests During Proposal Submission: A request for an exception to the graduate tuition policy should be processed via the Proposal Approval Summary Webform.
      1. If the request is due to a written sponsor policy, the sponsor policy should be attached to the UD Financials: PeopleSoft Proposal Attachments page using the naming convention “[ProposalID]_Tuition_other”. This will feed into the webform for review.
      2. If the request is for an exception is due to the PI project being less than $75,000, the Dean (or designee) and the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation (or designee) will review and approve the exception via the proposal approval form routing prior to submission
    3. Exceptions Requests During Award Establishment: If a proposal that did not originally meet the exception criteria is subsequently awarded for less than $75,000 per year, an email approval from the Dean (or designee) should be routed to the Contract & Grant Analyst during award establishment. The request for an exception will be sent to Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation (or designee) for review and approval.
  5. Post-Award Requirements
    1. The allocation of tuition costs must be allowable per the award guidelines and must not exceed the distribution of effort as reported through salary charges.
    2. Any re-budgeting of graduate student stipends should include the proportionate re-budgeting of tuition.
    3. Department/college research administrators should routinely reconcile tuition expenses for fiscal compliance.
    4. The Research Office will review tuition expenses during the closeout process for the fall and spring semesters referencing the following student salary expense account codes:
      2. 122610 GRADUATE TRAINEES
      3. 122700 GRADUATE FELLOW
      4. 126900 GRAD STDT-ENROLLED < 1/2 TIME


Policy Details:

OWNER: UD Research Office


ORIGINATION DATE: February 1, 2016

REVISION DATE(S): 7/10/24, 9/16/19, 3/10/2021, 11/22/21, 11/8/2023

Policy Source Email

Policy: General Counsel
Non-governmental Research-related Agreements
Policy: General Counsel

Non-governmental Research-related Agreements


    To facilitate the handling and administration of small grants, research and service contracts which do not require federal compliance.

    College Deans, the Director of DBI, and, with written approval, heads of other academic units which report directly to the Provost or Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation have the authority to enter into and administer certain contracts/agreements that have total dollar amounts up to $50,000. This authority is limited as follows …

The complete policy and more can be found on the General Counsel’s web site.


Policy Details:

OWNER: Provost

SECTION: Research, Sponsored Program, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Policies


POLICY NUMBER (Legacy): 6-14


REVISION DATE(S): January 18, 2008; August 11, 2008; January 1, 2012; November 1, 2012

Policy Source Email


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

UD Research Office
210 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828
Contact us


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