Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Sciences, Business and Economics, Earth, Ocean and Environment, Education and Human Development, Engineering, Health Sciences, Vol8 No1 Features
This issue of the University of Delaware Research magazine puts new faces on this idea of disruption, highlighting the innovative way our researchers are tackling complex problems. Learn about their work and what drives them and how the disruption they cause can produce real benefit for our world.
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol8 No1 Disruptors Section, Vol8 No1 Features
So, what do a virologist, botanist and soil physicist have in common? This team from UD’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is leveraging their collective expertise to ensure that our food supply is safe and abundant, now and in the future.
Environmental, Feature, Research Blog, Research News
Discovery holds intriguing potential for agriculture
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Health Sciences, Vol6 No1 Features, VOLUME 6, NO 1
The UD community celebrates its first Gates Cambridge Scholar, two new fellows in the National Academy of Inventors, and the first woman to receive the Soil Science Society of America’s Kirkham Soil Physics Award.